From: drowe67 Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 03:06:38 +0000 (+0000) Subject: changing name to avoid clash with existing project. X-Git-Url:;h=7ccebeeab390e11690382553e4ce562d2bf539f1;p=freetel-svn-tracking.git changing name to avoid clash with existing project. git-svn-id: 01035d8c-6547-0410-b346-abe4f91aad63 --- diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/COPYING b/easy-asterisk-gui/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index d60c31a9..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA - - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/Makefile b/easy-asterisk-gui/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 400f535e..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -# Makefile -# David Rowe 1 Jan 2010 -# -# Makefile for Easy Asterisk GUI -# -# 1/ Download files to development box for testing: -# -# usage: make HOST=test.machine.ip|hostname test -# make HOST= test -# make HOST=boris test -# -# 2/ Create static copy of web pages from HOST for static demo -# -# usage: make HOST=test.machine.ip static - -test: - rcp cgi-bin/*.html cgi-bin/*.sh cgi-bin/*.pl cgi-bin/*.js cgi-bin/*.css \ - cgi-bin/*.png root@$(HOST):/www - rcp etc/asterisk/*.conf root@$(HOST):/etc/asterisk - -.PHONY : static -static: - # generate static pages - - rm -Rf static; mkdir static; cd static; \ - wget -rEk --header="Cookie: loggedin=1" http://$(HOST)/ - - # modify links to non-existent scripts on static demo - - sed -i "s,http://$(HOST)/,," static/$(HOST)/ - sed -i "s,http://$(HOST)/,," static/$(HOST)/ - sed -i "s,http://$(HOST)/,," static/$(HOST)/ - - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/README.txt b/easy-asterisk-gui/README.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 5a9c7636..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/README.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -Mini Asterisk -============= - -A simple, light weight GUI for Asterisk. - -image::/images/ip04/mini.png["Mini Asterisk Demo", link="mini/"] - -Click on the screen shot above for an on line demo. - -[[intro]] -Introduction ------------- - -Mini Asterisk is a simple Web GUI for Asterisk with comprehensive tool -tip documentation and a learning curve of a few minutes. Analog ports -and IP Phones are automatically detected, and no knowledge of Asterisk -configuration is required. - -Mini Asterisk is "unfeatured" - many of the Asterisk options are not -available. Instead it tries to make very basic, very common Asterisk -installations fast and simple, for example: - -* An Asterisk server running on your home gateway/firewall/server. - You want to connect a few IP Phones and make cheap phones calls - using VOIP. An Asterisk distro on a CD is a possibility but you - don't want to dedicate a full PC just for Asterisk. You don't - really want to learn obscure dial plan syntax and yet another conf - file format. - -* A small office that already has an old analog phone system. You - want to keep your current analog lines for incoming calls, but - install 8 IP Phones and use VOIP for outgoing calls. You know - enough to set up a DSL router but don't want to rely on "the Phone - Guy" or "The Computer Guy" at $100/hr to maintain your phone - system. - -* You are a "Phone Guy" who doesn't understand Linux and Asterisk but - you want to install IP-PBXes. - -[[why]] -Why Another Asterisk GUI? -------------------------- - -There are[a lot of -Asterisk GUIs] out there already. So why do we need another one? - -Well I needed an Asterisk GUI that was very easy to use for the -link:ip04.html[IP0X devices] I sell. Something that would lower the -technical skill required to install and maintain an Asterisk Phone -system. Something my wife and kids could use. - -I was also interested in exploring the ease-of-use meme, as we have -been discussing it a lot on the[Village Telco] -project. Just how easy can we make Asterisk to use? So I scratched -the itch. - -Mini Asterisk has the following features that make it reasonably -unique. They may be good or bad features depending on your point of -view! - -* Mini Asterisk is "un-featured" - it hides many of the advanced - Asterisk features in the interest of simple and fast configuration. - -* Light weight so it can run on embedded boxes like the IP0X family. - No SQL database or PHP or LAMP. Only a basic web server and a very - basic perl are required (e.g. microperl - no CPAN libraries). - -* Works directly on extensions.conf and sip.conf, but honors any edits - you make to these files. So all the powerful Asterisk features are - available in the background. - -* Doesn't use AJAX or the built-in Asterisk web server or users.conf - magic. Plain old HTML, a little Java-script and CGIs written in - shell script and Perl. - -* Doesn't use the Asterisk programming "model". For example you don't - have to understand what a dial-plan is, much less understand how to - code one. Plain English terms are used instead, for example "Phones - and Phone lines". Terms like Asterisk, Linux, SIP, Zap/1 don't even - get a mention. - -* Extensive tool tip documentation. No manual. - -* Doesn't require a dedicated PC, not installed from an ISO CD. So - you can use it as a GUI for Asterisk on a little SOHO Linux box that - is also your firewall, server etc. - -* Mini Asterisk tells you when something is wrong, for example you get - a warning if your Phone System can't see the Internet. - -* Extensive pre-configuration of extensions.conf and sip.conf, - pre-selected phone numbers, SIP trunks are selected from a pull-down - menu (except they are called VOIP lines). Analog ports are auto - detected, at least on the IP0X. This makes adding IP phones very - fast and simple. - -[[status]] -Status ------- - -Alpha: - -* Works on IP0X. -* Not tested on x86. Several IP0X features are n/a for x86 and should be - disabled when the x86 (or non-IP0X) platform is detected. -* Needs feedback from real users to see how useful the concept is and what - (un)features need to be added. -* Need a few more (un)features to be added, and Voip Line screen - populated with more ITSPs. -* But quite useable as it stands. - -[[notes]] -Implementation Notes --------------------- - -Mini Asterisk is written for the -[IP0X embedded Asterisk] -hardware but will also run on x86 and probably many other platforms. - -Mini Asterisk has been written to be compatible with regular Asterisk -conf file configuration. Just leave the conf file lines with -"mini-asterisk" comments alone. The Asterisk conf files -extensions.conf and sip.conf are directly modified by Mini Asterisk, -but changes are limited to the "mini-asterisk" lines. - -For Auto-detection of Zap ports Mini Asterisk looks at -/etc/zapata.conf, so you may need this set up correctly for your -analog hardware. On the IP0X this happens automatically. - -[[install]] -Installation ------------- - -Note: this process may overwrite your Asterisk extensions.conf and -sip.conf files - back them up if you have an existing Asterisk -installation that you want to keep. The IP0X ipkg does attempt to -backup the modified conf files to *.bak but no guarantees.... - -However once mini-asterisk is installed it should honor any manual -changes made to extensions.conf and sip.conf. - -IP0X Installation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -Installation instructions for IP0X boxes running link:baps.html[BAPS], -with some version of Asterisk and Zaptel installed. - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -root~> ipkg install mini-asterisk -------------------------------------------------------------------- - -x86 Installation -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -. You need a web server, Asterisk and some sort of Perl installed -(very basic Perl installation is fine). Configure your web server to -run CGIs (.sh and .pl) from /www (lighttpd config instructions below). -Mini Asterisk expects all files (shell, perl, html etc) to be in the -same directory. If you find this painful please <>. - -. The process below places the web files in /www, you may like to -place the files somewhere else like /www/asterisk. One of the files -is named index.html so make sure you don't overwrite an existing -index.html. - -. Login as root to install the Mini Asterisk files: -+ -Remember to backup your existing extensions.conf & sip.conf in -/etc/asterisk -+ -------------------------------------------------------------------- -# cd ~ -# svn co -# ./ -# cp mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/* /etc/asterisk -# cp mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/* /www -# cd /etc/asterisk -# cp extensions.conf extensions.conf.def -# cp sip.conf sip.conf.def -# mv etc/asterisk/users.conf etc/asterisk/users.conf.bak -------------------------------------------------------------------- -+ -The final step above may not be required on your machine if you don't -have a users.conf. The .def copies are required by the "reset -defaults" feature on the admin screen. - -. Switch off the internal Asterisk web server by editing -/etc/asterisk.httpd.conf. Make sure the enabled line reads like this: - - enabled=no -+ -Then stop and restart Asterisk. - -. I use lighttpd as the web server, the /etc/lighttpd.conf lines -required are: -+ -------------------------------------------------------------------- -cgi.assign = ( ".sh" => "/bin/sh",".pl" => "/usr/sbin/microperl" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- - -[[contribute]] -Contributions -------------- - -I welcome sip.conf entries for your favourite ITSP (VOIP service) to -help populate the Provider field of the -link:mini/[Voip Line Screen]. - -[[support]] -Support -------- - -Comments, features request, bugs please let me know using Free -Telephony Project[Support]. - -[[source]] -Source Code ------------ - -Browse: - -[] - -Check Out: - - $ svn co - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8ca97111..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 7 Jan 2010 -# About screen for Mini Asterisk GUI - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -# Construct the web page ------------------------------- - -cat < - - -EOF - -cat << EOF - -Mini Asterisk - About -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < - -
- -EOF -echo ' ' -echo ' ' -echo ' ' -echo ' ' - -more=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "more=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/more=//p"` -if [ $more -eq 1 ]; then - echo -else - echo " " - echo ' '; -cat < - - -


Mini Asterisk Revision: 122
Brought to you by the Free Telephony Project
- - -EOF -exit -fi - -echo "  " -echo "

cat /proc/version

" -echo " " -cat /proc/version -echo " " - -which ipkg >> /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - echo "  " - echo "

ipkg list_installed

" - echo " " - ipkg list_installed | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' - echo " " -fi - -echo "  " -echo "

cat /proc/loadavg

" -echo " " -cat /proc/loadavg -echo " " - -echo "  " -echo "


" -echo " " -uptime -echo " " - -echo "  " -echo "

cat /proc/meminfo

" -echo " " -cat /proc/meminfo | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' -echo " " - -echo "  " -echo "

cat /proc/cmdline

" -echo " " -cat /proc/cmdline -echo " " - -echo "  " -echo "

cat /proc/cpuinfo

" -echo " " -cat /proc/cpuinfo -echo " " - -if [ -f /proc/mtd ]; then - echo "  " - echo "

cat /proc/mtd

" - echo " " - cat /proc/mtd | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' - echo " " -fi - -if [ -f /proc/yaffs ]; then - echo "  " - echo "

cat /proc/yaffs

" - echo " " - cat /proc/yaffs | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' - echo " " -fi - -echo "  " -echo ' Less'; - -cat < - - - - - - - - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9b309178..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 7 Jan 2010 -# Admin screen for Mini Asterisk GUI - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -# set password CGI ----------------------------------------------- - -echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - pass=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/pass=//p"` - passwd_cmdline $pass -fi - -# restart CGI ---------------------------------------------------- - -echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "restart=1" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - -# kill cookie to log out. This ensures hitting refresh wont run -# the restart process again - -cat < -Mini Asterisk - Restart - - -

Restarting...come back in 1 minute

- -EOF -reboot -fi - -# set defaults CGI ---------------------------------------------------- - -echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "defaults=1" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - cp /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf.def /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf - cp /etc/asterisk/sip.conf.def /etc/asterisk/sip.conf - asterisk -rx "sip reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null - asterisk -rx "dialplan reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null -fi - -# Construct the web page ------------------------------- - -cat < - - -EOF - -cat << EOF - -Mini Asterisk - Admin -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Change Phone System Password

New Password:
Default password is uClinux

Restart Phone System

- - -

Reset Phone System Defaults

- - -

Upgrade Mini Asterisk

- - -

Install New Firmware

- -
Firmware URL:
- - - - - - - - - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/at-530.html b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/at-530.html deleted file mode 100644 index 686fb703..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/at-530.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -
  1. Connect the WAN port of the AT-530 to your network, it will boot and obtain an IP via DHCP. -
  2. Find the IP of the phone by pressing the Sysinfo button a few times. -
  3. Open another browser window. Go to the phones IP, for example -
  4. Login to the phone using the username/password admin/admin. -
  5. Optional: set a static IP using the WAN menu (I like static IPs for SIP phones). -
  6. Go to the phone SIP Config menu. -
  7. Set Register Server Address to your Phone System IP Address. -
  8. Set Register Username to the phone number (e.g. 6011). -
  9. Also set Register Password to the phone number (e.g. 6011) and -the Phone Number to the phone number (e.g. 6011). -
  10. Check the Enable Register box. -
  11. Then click on Apply. -
  12. On your browser refresh this page to see if the phone is connected to your phone system. -
diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/banner.html b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/banner.html deleted file mode 100644 index 02889097..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/banner.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -


diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/cross.png b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/cross.png deleted file mode 100644 index 05baecdb..00000000 Binary files a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/cross.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/faq.html b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/faq.html deleted file mode 100644 index dd6258e5..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/faq.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -
    - -
  1. Transfer a Call - -
  2. Answer a call on another ringing phone: If you hear another phone ringing and -want to answer the call on your phone, just pick up your phone and -dial *8. Note an IP phone can pick up a call on a ringing IP phone -but not an Analog phone. An Analog pohone can pick up another -ringing Analog phone but not an IP phone. - -
- -

Resources and Links

  1. A good book on Asterisk is Asterisk - The Future of Telephony -
diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index d4ccf5d0..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 7 Jan 2010 -# FAQ screen for Mini Asterisk GUI - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -# Construct the web page ------------------------------- - -cat < - - -EOF - -cat << EOF - -Mini Asterisk - FAQ -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < - -
- - -


-EOF -cat faq.html -cat <
- - - - - - - - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/index.html b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/index.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8514560b..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/index.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ipphones.js b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ipphones.js deleted file mode 100644 index 9c50ceac..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ipphones.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -function localInit() { -} - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 87f279f3..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -#!usr/bin/perl -# -# David Rowe 6 Jan 2010 -# -# Text processing for the ipphones screen - -$ipaddress = $ARGV[0]; -$more = $ARGV[1]; - -# Slurp up SIP extension (Sip) data from extensions.conf - -my %ip = (); # ip extension keyed on sip.conf name - -open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; -while () { - if (/.*=>[ ]*([0-9]*),1.*SIP\/([0-9]*)\)/) { - $ip{$2} = $1; - #print "'$1' '$2' $ip{$2}\n"; - } -} -close EXT; - -my %sip = (); # SIP IP phone status keyed on sip.conf names - # if no entry we can't see IP phone device -my %voip = (); # SIP trunks status keyed on sip.conf names - # if no entry we can't see SIP trunk -my %ipad = (); # IP address of SIP device keyed on sip.conf names - -open SIP, "sipshowpeers.txt"; -while () { - if (/^([0-9]*)[\s\/].*(OK)/) { - $sip{$1} = $2; - #print "'$1' '$2' $sip{$1}\n"; - $e = $1; - if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { - $ipad{$e} = $1; - #print "'$1'\n"; - } - } - if (/^(voip[0-9]*)[\s\/].*(OK)/) { - $voip{$1} = $2; - #print "'$1' '$2' $voip{$1}\n"; - $e = $1; - if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { - $ipad{$e} = $1; - #print "'$1'\n"; - } - } -} - -close SIP; - -# print list of IP phones with connection status - -$unconnected = 0; -foreach $e (sort keys %ip) { - if ($sip{$e} eq "OK") { - $icon = "\"Connected\""; - $tooltip_status = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_connected')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_connected')\""; - $comment=$ipad{$e}; - $tooltip_ext = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\""; - $tooltip_ip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\""; - $unconnected = 0; - } - else { - $unconnected = $unconnected + 1; - $icon = "\"Not"; - $tooltip_status = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_notconnected')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_notconnected')\""; - $comment="Available"; - $tooltip_id = "iphones_$e"; - print "
Configure your IP phone with username/password $e/$e, SIP Server IP $ipaddress
"; - $tooltip_ext = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'$tooltip_id')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'$tooltip_id')\""; - $tooltip_ip = ""; - } - - if ($more == 1 || ($unconnected < 5)) { - print "$e$comment$icon\n"; - } -} - -if ($more == 0) { - print 'More'; -} -else { - print 'Less'; -} - - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2ce904b1..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 6 Jan 2010 -# Dashboard screen for Mini Asterisk GUI - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -more=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "more=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/more=//p"` -ipaddress=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) Bcast.*/\1/p'` - -# Construct the web page ------------------------------- - -cat < - - -EOF - -echo "" - -cat << EOF - -Mini Asterisk - IP Phones - -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < - -
- - - -EOF -echo "" - - # use perl to construct list of IP phones for us - asterisk "-rx sip show peers" 2>/dev/null > sipshowpeers.txt - ./ $ipaddress $more - -cat < - -

How to Configure IP Phones


1. Atcom AT-530

-EOF -cat at-530.html -cat < - - -

IP Phones

Phone System IP Address:$ipaddress
- - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0ae903a8..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 -# CGI for Mini Asterisk login GUI - -pass=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/pass=//p"` - -echo $QUERY_STRING | grep pass > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - # Display form ------------------------------- - - cat < - - -EOF - cat << EOF - - Mini Asterisk - Login -
- - - - - - - -


Default password is uClinux
- -EOF -else - testuser root $pass - if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - - # login sucessful - echo "Content-type: text/html" - echo "Set-Cookie: loggedin=1" - echo "" - echo "" - echo "Mini Asterisk - Login" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - echo "Please wait a few seconds....." - echo "" - - # load mini asterisk conf files in case this is our first login - - asterisk -rx "sip reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null - asterisk -rx "dialplan reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null - - else - # login failed - cat < - - Mini Asterisk - Login - - - Please wait a few seconds..... - - - -EOF - fi -fi - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index d4306c96..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 -# CGI for Mini Asterisk logout GUI - -cat <Mini Asterisk - Logout -Change your password, reset the default settings, upgrade software -
Connect the phone system to your network and the Internet
Lists your phones and phone lines
Set up your IP phones
Boring information like software version numbers
Frequently asked questions and links to further information
I think you can work this one out....
Set up your VOIP phone line
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


IP Phones
Phone System
- diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/network.js b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/network.js deleted file mode 100644 index 108bf01b..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/network.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -var script_path = "cgi-bin/"; - -function doStatic() { - $('ipaddress').disabled = 0; - $('netmask').disabled = 0; - $('gateway').disabled = 0; - $('dns').disabled = 0; -} - -function doDHCP() { - $('ipaddress').disabled = 1; - $('netmask').disabled = 1; - $('gateway').disabled = 1; - $('dns').disabled = 1; -} - -// - -function isIP(obj) { - var ary = obj.value.split("."); - var ip = true; - - for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { - ip = (!ary[i].match(/^\d{1,3}$/) || (Number(ary[i]) > 255)) ? false : ip; - } - - if (ip) - ip = (ary.length == 4); - - if (!ip) { - // the value is NOT a valid IP address - = "red"; -; - } - else { = ""; } // the value IS a valid IP address - - return ip; -} - -function localInit() { - - if (init_dhcp == "yes") { - $('dhcp').checked = true; - $('ipaddress').disabled = 1; - $('netmask').disabled = 1; - $('gateway').disabled = 1; - $('dns').disabled = 1; - } - else { - $('static').checked = true; - $('ipaddress').disabled = 0; - $('netmask').disabled = 0; - $('gateway').disabled = 0; - $('dns').disabled = 0; - } - $('ipaddress').value = init_ipaddress; - $('netmask').value = init_netmask; - $('gateway').value = init_gateway; - $('dns').value = init_dns; - $('backdoor').value = init_backdoor; - if (init_internet == "yes") - $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; - else - $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; - -} - -function validate_form(form) -{ - var valid = true; - - if ($('dhcp').checked == false) - valid = isIP(form.ipaddress) && isIP(form.ipaddress) && isIP(form.gateway) && isIP(form.dns); - - return valid; -} diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 268425ba..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 -# CGI for Mini Asterisk network GUI - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -grok_network=0 - -if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network ]; then - grok_network=1 - dhcp=yes - ipaddress=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) Bcast.*/\1/p'` - netmask=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*Mask:\(.*\)\s*/\1/p'` - gateway=`route -n | awk '/^ {print $2}'` - dns=`cat /etc/resolv.conf | awk '/^nameserver/ {print $2}'` -fi - -if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network-static ] -then - grok_network=1 - dhcp=no - ipaddress=`sed -n 's/IPADDRESS="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` - netmask=`sed -n 's/NETMASK="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` - gateway=`sed -n 's/GATEWAY="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` - dns=`sed -n 's/DNS="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` -fi - -# if we don't understand this machines network config then bail - -if [ $groknetwork -eq 0 ]; then -cat << EOF - -Mini Asterisk - Network -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < -
- - - -


Sorry - I can't edit the Network configuration on this machine
- - - - - - -EOF -fi - -if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S05network-backdoor ]; then - backdoor=`sed -n 's/IPADDRESS="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-backdoor` -fi - -# See if we have Internet connectivity, first check dns as time outs can be very slow - -dns_packet_loss=`ping $dns -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` -internet="no"; -if [ $dns_packet_loss == "0" ]; then - packet_loss=`ping -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` - if [ $packet_loss == "0" ]; then - internet="yes"; - fi -fi - -# Construct the web page ------------------------------- - -cat < - - -EOF - -echo "" - -cat << EOF - -Mini Asterisk - Network - -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


IP Address:
Emergency IP:
Internet Connection:
- - - - - - - - - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/phones.js b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/phones.js deleted file mode 100644 index 74d6eaf1..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/phones.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -function localInit() { - if (init_internet == "yes") - $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; - else - $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; -} - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 56f3534c..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -# -# David Rowe 5 Jan 2010 -# -# Text processing for the phones screen. - -$tool_tip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'network_internet')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'network_internet')\""; - -# Slurp up analog port (Zap) data from extensions.conf - -my %analog = (); # analog extension keyed on zap port - -open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; -while () { - if (/.*=>[ ]*([0-9]*),1.*Zap\/([0-9]*)\)/) { - $analog{$2} = $1; - #print "'$1' '$2' $analog{$2}\n"; - } -} -close EXT; - -# Slurp up data on installed zaptel ports from /etc/zaptel.conf - -my %zap = (); # zaptel port type keyed on zap port - # (fxs/fxo or no entry if not live) -open ZAP, "/etc/zaptel.conf"; -while () { - if (/fxoks=(.*)/) { - @fxs = split(/,/, $1); - foreach (@fxs) { - $zap{$_} = "fxs"; - } - } - if (/fxsks=(.*)/) { - @fxo = split(/,/, $1); - foreach (@fxo) { - $zap{$_} = "fxo"; - } - } -} -close ZAP; - -# Slurp up SIP extension (Sip) data from extensions.conf - -my %ip = (); # ip extension keyed on sip.conf name - -open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; -while () { - if (/.*=>[ ]*([0-9]*),1.*Sip\/([0-9]*)\)/) { - $ip{$2} = $1; - #print "'$1' '$2' $ip{$2}\n"; - } -} -close EXT; - -# Determine which extenions are "Reception", i.e. set to ring on incoming -# calls - -my %zap_ring = (); # ring flag keyed on Zap port (1,2...) -my %sip_ring = (); # ring flag keyed on sip.cong ext name (6011,6012 etc) - -open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; -while () { - if (/s,1,Dial\((.*)\) ;; mini/) { - @ring = split(/&/, $1); - #print "'$1' '@ring'\n foreach:\n"; - foreach (@ring) { - #print " $_\n"; - if (/Zap\/([0-9]*)/) { - $zap_ring{$1} = 1; - #print "'$_' $1 \n"; - } - if (/SIP\/([0-9]*)/) { - $sip_ring{$1} = 1; - #print "'$_' $1 \n"; - } - } - } -} -close EXT; - - -# work out which IP phones are registered ----------------------------------- - -my %sip = (); # SIP IP phone status keyed on sip.conf names (6011,6012 etc) - # if no entry we can't see IP phone device -my %ipad = (); # IP address of SIP device keyed on sip.conf names - -open SIP, "sipshowpeers.txt"; -while () { - if (/^([0-9]*)[\s\/].*(OK)/) { - $sip{$1} = $2; - #print "'$1' '$2' $sip{$1}\n"; - $e = $1; - if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { - $ipad{$e} = $1; - #print "'$1'\n"; - } - } - - if (/^(.*)\/.*(OK)/) { - #$sip{$1} = $2; - #print "'$1' '$2' $sip{$1}\n"; - $e = $1; - if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { - $ipad{$e} = $1; - #print "'$1'\n"; - } - } -} - -close SIP; - -# Determine if Asterisk can see current voip line (SIP trunk) -# sipshowpeers.txt needs to be generated before calling this perl -# script - -my %voip = (); # SIP trunks status keyed on sip.conf stanza name/username - # if no entry we can't see SIP trunk - -open SIP, "sipshowregistry.txt"; -while () { - if (/^(.*):.*(Registered)/) { - $voip{$1} = $2; - #print "'$1' '$2' $voip{$1}\n"; - } -} - -close SIP; - -# start phones ringing form ------------------------------------------- - -print '
'; - -# print list of analog phones - -$tooltip_anphone = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_anphone')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_anphone')\""; -$tooltip_ext = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\""; -$tooltip_port = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_phone')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_phone')\""; -$tooltip_reception = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\""; - -foreach $a (sort keys %analog) { - if ($zap{$a} eq "fxs") { - $icon = "\"Analog"; - print "$analog{$a}Analog PhonePort $a"; - if ($zap_ring{$a} == 1) { - $checked = "checked"; - } - else { - $checked = ""; - } - print "Reception$icon\n"; - } -} - -# print list of IP phones - -$tooltip_ipphone = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone')\""; -$tooltip_ipphone_ip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\""; -$tooltip_reception = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\""; - -foreach $s (sort keys %sip) { - if ($sip{$s} eq "OK") { - $icon = "\"IP"; - print "$sIP Phone$ipad{$s}"; - if ($sip_ring{$s} == 1) { - $checked = "checked"; - } - else { - $checked = ""; - } - print "Reception$icon\n"; - } -} - -print ' '; -print ""; -print "Add IP Phone"; - -$tool_tip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_lines')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_lines')\""; - -print ' '; -print "

Phone Lines

-"; - -print "
"; - -# print list of analog phone lines - -$tooltip_phoneline = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_phoneline')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_phoneline')\""; -$tooltip_port = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_line')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_line')\""; -$tooltip_line_prefix = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_line_prefix')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_line_prefix')\""; - -foreach $a (sort keys %analog) { - if ($zap{$a} eq "fxo") { - $icon = "\"Phone"; - print "0Analog LinePort $a$icon\n"; - } -} - -# print list of SIP VOIP trunks - -$tooltip_voipline = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline')\""; -$tooltip_voipline_ip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_ip')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_ip')\""; -$tooltip_voipline_prefix = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_prefix')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_prefix')\""; - -foreach $s (sort keys %voip) { - if ($voip{$s} eq "Registered") { - $icon = "\"VOIP"; - print "1VOIP Line$ipad{$s}$icon\n"; - } -} - -print ' '; -print ""; -print "Set Up VOIP Line"; diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index aa302f59..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 -# Phones screen for Mini Asterisk GUI - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -# See if we have Internet connectivity, first check dns as time outs can be very slow - -dns=`cat /etc/resolv.conf | awk '/^nameserver/ {print $2}'` -dns_packet_loss=`ping $dns -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` -internet="no"; -if [ $dns_packet_loss == "0" ]; then - packet_loss=`ping -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` - if [ $packet_loss == "0" ]; then - internet="yes"; - fi -fi - -ipaddress=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) Bcast.*/\1/p'` - -# Construct the web page ------------------------------- - -cat < - - -EOF - -echo "" - -cat << EOF - -Mini Asterisk - Phones - -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < - -
- - - - - - - - - -EOF -echo "" -cat < - - - - -EOF - -# use perl to construct list of phones and phone lines for us -asterisk "-rx sip show peers" 2>/dev/null > sipshowpeers.txt -./ - -cat< - - - - - -

Phone System

Internet Connection:
Phone System IP Address:$ipaddress


- - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/prototype.js b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/prototype.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0e85338b..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/prototype.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1781 +0,0 @@ -/* Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.4.0 - * (c) 2005 Sam Stephenson - * - * Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. - * For details, see the Prototype web site: - * -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -var Prototype = { - Version: '1.4.0', - ScriptFragment: '(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)', - - emptyFunction: function() {}, - K: function(x) {return x} -} - -var Class = { - create: function() { - return function() { - this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); - } - } -} - -var Abstract = new Object(); - -Object.extend = function(destination, source) { - for (property in source) { - destination[property] = source[property]; - } - return destination; -} - -Object.inspect = function(object) { - try { - if (object == undefined) return 'undefined'; - if (object == null) return 'null'; - return object.inspect ? object.inspect() : object.toString(); - } catch (e) { - if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...'; - throw e; - } -} - -Function.prototype.bind = function() { - var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); - return function() { - return __method.apply(object, args.concat($A(arguments))); - } -} - -Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) { - var __method = this; - return function(event) { - return, event || window.event); - } -} - -Object.extend(Number.prototype, { - toColorPart: function() { - var digits = this.toString(16); - if (this < 16) return '0' + digits; - return digits; - }, - - succ: function() { - return this + 1; - }, - - times: function(iterator) { - $R(0, this, true).each(iterator); - return this; - } -}); - -var Try = { - these: function() { - var returnValue; - - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var lambda = arguments[i]; - try { - returnValue = lambda(); - break; - } catch (e) {} - } - - return returnValue; - } -} - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create(); -PeriodicalExecuter.prototype = { - initialize: function(callback, frequency) { - this.callback = callback; - this.frequency = frequency; - this.currentlyExecuting = false; - - this.registerCallback(); - }, - - registerCallback: function() { - setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000); - }, - - onTimerEvent: function() { - if (!this.currentlyExecuting) { - try { - this.currentlyExecuting = true; - this.callback(); - } finally { - this.currentlyExecuting = false; - } - } - } -} - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -function $() { - var elements = new Array(); - - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var element = arguments[i]; - if (typeof element == 'string') - element = document.getElementById(element); - - if (arguments.length == 1) - return element; - - elements.push(element); - } - - return elements; -} -Object.extend(String.prototype, { - stripTags: function() { - return this.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''); - }, - - stripScripts: function() { - return this.replace(new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'), ''); - }, - - extractScripts: function() { - var matchAll = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'); - var matchOne = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'im'); - return (this.match(matchAll) || []).map(function(scriptTag) { - return (scriptTag.match(matchOne) || ['', ''])[1]; - }); - }, - - evalScripts: function() { - return this.extractScripts().map(eval); - }, - - escapeHTML: function() { - var div = document.createElement('div'); - var text = document.createTextNode(this); - div.appendChild(text); - return div.innerHTML; - }, - - unescapeHTML: function() { - var div = document.createElement('div'); - div.innerHTML = this.stripTags(); - return div.childNodes[0] ? div.childNodes[0].nodeValue : ''; - }, - - toQueryParams: function() { - var pairs = this.match(/^\??(.*)$/)[1].split('&'); - return pairs.inject({}, function(params, pairString) { - var pair = pairString.split('='); - params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; - return params; - }); - }, - - toArray: function() { - return this.split(''); - }, - - camelize: function() { - var oStringList = this.split('-'); - if (oStringList.length == 1) return oStringList[0]; - - var camelizedString = this.indexOf('-') == 0 - ? oStringList[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + oStringList[0].substring(1) - : oStringList[0]; - - for (var i = 1, len = oStringList.length; i < len; i++) { - var s = oStringList[i]; - camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); - } - - return camelizedString; - }, - - inspect: function() { - return "'" + this.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", '\\\'') + "'"; - } -}); - -String.prototype.parseQuery = String.prototype.toQueryParams; - -var $break = new Object(); -var $continue = new Object(); - -var Enumerable = { - each: function(iterator) { - var index = 0; - try { - this._each(function(value) { - try { - iterator(value, index++); - } catch (e) { - if (e != $continue) throw e; - } - }); - } catch (e) { - if (e != $break) throw e; - } - }, - - all: function(iterator) { - var result = true; - this.each(function(value, index) { - result = result && !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); - if (!result) throw $break; - }); - return result; - }, - - any: function(iterator) { - var result = true; - this.each(function(value, index) { - if (result = !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index)) - throw $break; - }); - return result; - }, - - collect: function(iterator) { - var results = []; - this.each(function(value, index) { - results.push(iterator(value, index)); - }); - return results; - }, - - detect: function (iterator) { - var result; - this.each(function(value, index) { - if (iterator(value, index)) { - result = value; - throw $break; - } - }); - return result; - }, - - findAll: function(iterator) { - var results = []; - this.each(function(value, index) { - if (iterator(value, index)) - results.push(value); - }); - return results; - }, - - grep: function(pattern, iterator) { - var results = []; - this.each(function(value, index) { - var stringValue = value.toString(); - if (stringValue.match(pattern)) - results.push((iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index)); - }) - return results; - }, - - include: function(object) { - var found = false; - this.each(function(value) { - if (value == object) { - found = true; - throw $break; - } - }); - return found; - }, - - inject: function(memo, iterator) { - this.each(function(value, index) { - memo = iterator(memo, value, index); - }); - return memo; - }, - - invoke: function(method) { - var args = $A(arguments).slice(1); - return this.collect(function(value) { - return value[method].apply(value, args); - }); - }, - - max: function(iterator) { - var result; - this.each(function(value, index) { - value = (iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); - if (value >= (result || value)) - result = value; - }); - return result; - }, - - min: function(iterator) { - var result; - this.each(function(value, index) { - value = (iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); - if (value <= (result || value)) - result = value; - }); - return result; - }, - - partition: function(iterator) { - var trues = [], falses = []; - this.each(function(value, index) { - ((iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index) ? - trues : falses).push(value); - }); - return [trues, falses]; - }, - - pluck: function(property) { - var results = []; - this.each(function(value, index) { - results.push(value[property]); - }); - return results; - }, - - reject: function(iterator) { - var results = []; - this.each(function(value, index) { - if (!iterator(value, index)) - results.push(value); - }); - return results; - }, - - sortBy: function(iterator) { - return this.collect(function(value, index) { - return {value: value, criteria: iterator(value, index)}; - }).sort(function(left, right) { - var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria; - return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; - }).pluck('value'); - }, - - toArray: function() { - return this.collect(Prototype.K); - }, - - zip: function() { - var iterator = Prototype.K, args = $A(arguments); - if (typeof args.last() == 'function') - iterator = args.pop(); - - var collections = [this].concat(args).map($A); - return, index) { - iterator(value = collections.pluck(index)); - return value; - }); - }, - - inspect: function() { - return '#'; - } -} - -Object.extend(Enumerable, { - map: Enumerable.collect, - find: Enumerable.detect, - select: Enumerable.findAll, - member: Enumerable.include, - entries: Enumerable.toArray -}); -var $A = Array.from = function(iterable) { - if (!iterable) return []; - if (iterable.toArray) { - return iterable.toArray(); - } else { - var results = []; - for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) - results.push(iterable[i]); - return results; - } -} - -Object.extend(Array.prototype, Enumerable); - -Array.prototype._reverse = Array.prototype.reverse; - -Object.extend(Array.prototype, { - _each: function(iterator) { - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) - iterator(this[i]); - }, - - clear: function() { - this.length = 0; - return this; - }, - - first: function() { - return this[0]; - }, - - last: function() { - return this[this.length - 1]; - }, - - compact: function() { - return { - return value != undefined || value != null; - }); - }, - - flatten: function() { - return this.inject([], function(array, value) { - return array.concat(value.constructor == Array ? - value.flatten() : [value]); - }); - }, - - without: function() { - var values = $A(arguments); - return { - return !values.include(value); - }); - }, - - indexOf: function(object) { - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) - if (this[i] == object) return i; - return -1; - }, - - reverse: function(inline) { - return (inline !== false ? this : this.toArray())._reverse(); - }, - - shift: function() { - var result = this[0]; - for (var i = 0; i < this.length - 1; i++) - this[i] = this[i + 1]; - this.length--; - return result; - }, - - inspect: function() { - return '[' +', ') + ']'; - } -}); -var Hash = { - _each: function(iterator) { - for (key in this) { - var value = this[key]; - if (typeof value == 'function') continue; - - var pair = [key, value]; - pair.key = key; - pair.value = value; - iterator(pair); - } - }, - - keys: function() { - return this.pluck('key'); - }, - - values: function() { - return this.pluck('value'); - }, - - merge: function(hash) { - return $H(hash).inject($H(this), function(mergedHash, pair) { - mergedHash[pair.key] = pair.value; - return mergedHash; - }); - }, - - toQueryString: function() { - return { - return'='); - }).join('&'); - }, - - inspect: function() { - return '#'; - } -} - -function $H(object) { - var hash = Object.extend({}, object || {}); - Object.extend(hash, Enumerable); - Object.extend(hash, Hash); - return hash; -} -ObjectRange = Class.create(); -Object.extend(ObjectRange.prototype, Enumerable); -Object.extend(ObjectRange.prototype, { - initialize: function(start, end, exclusive) { - this.start = start; - this.end = end; - this.exclusive = exclusive; - }, - - _each: function(iterator) { - var value = this.start; - do { - iterator(value); - value = value.succ(); - } while (this.include(value)); - }, - - include: function(value) { - if (value < this.start) - return false; - if (this.exclusive) - return value < this.end; - return value <= this.end; - } -}); - -var $R = function(start, end, exclusive) { - return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive); -} - -var Ajax = { - getTransport: function() { - return Try.these( - function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}, - function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}, - function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()} - ) || false; - }, - - activeRequestCount: 0 -} - -Ajax.Responders = { - responders: [], - - _each: function(iterator) { - this.responders._each(iterator); - }, - - register: function(responderToAdd) { - if (!this.include(responderToAdd)) - this.responders.push(responderToAdd); - }, - - unregister: function(responderToRemove) { - this.responders = this.responders.without(responderToRemove); - }, - - dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) { - this.each(function(responder) { - if (responder[callback] && typeof responder[callback] == 'function') { - try { - responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport, json]); - } catch (e) {} - } - }); - } -}; - -Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable); - -Ajax.Responders.register({ - onCreate: function() { - Ajax.activeRequestCount++; - }, - - onComplete: function() { - Ajax.activeRequestCount--; - } -}); - -Ajax.Base = function() {}; -Ajax.Base.prototype = { - setOptions: function(options) { - this.options = { - method: 'post', - asynchronous: true, - parameters: '' - } - Object.extend(this.options, options || {}); - }, - - responseIsSuccess: function() { - return this.transport.status == undefined - || this.transport.status == 0 - || (this.transport.status >= 200 && this.transport.status < 300); - }, - - responseIsFailure: function() { - return !this.responseIsSuccess(); - } -} - -Ajax.Request = Class.create(); -Ajax.Request.Events = - ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; - -Ajax.Request.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), { - initialize: function(url, options) { - this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); - this.setOptions(options); - this.request(url); - }, - - request: function(url) { - var parameters = this.options.parameters || ''; - if (parameters.length > 0) parameters += '&_='; - - try { - this.url = url; - if (this.options.method == 'get' && parameters.length > 0) - this.url += (this.url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + parameters; - - Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, this.transport); - -, this.url, - this.options.asynchronous); - - if (this.options.asynchronous) { - this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); - setTimeout((function() {this.respondToReadyState(1)}).bind(this), 10); - } - - this.setRequestHeaders(); - - var body = this.options.postBody ? this.options.postBody : parameters; - this.transport.send(this.options.method == 'post' ? body : null); - - } catch (e) { - this.dispatchException(e); - } - }, - - setRequestHeaders: function() { - var requestHeaders = - ['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest', - 'X-Prototype-Version', Prototype.Version]; - - if (this.options.method == 'post') { - requestHeaders.push('Content-type', - 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); - - /* Force "Connection: close" for Mozilla browsers to work around - * a bug where XMLHttpReqeuest sends an incorrect Content-length - * header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651. - */ - if (this.transport.overrideMimeType) - requestHeaders.push('Connection', 'close'); - } - - if (this.options.requestHeaders) - requestHeaders.push.apply(requestHeaders, this.options.requestHeaders); - - for (var i = 0; i < requestHeaders.length; i += 2) - this.transport.setRequestHeader(requestHeaders[i], requestHeaders[i+1]); - }, - - onStateChange: function() { - var readyState = this.transport.readyState; - if (readyState != 1) - this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState); - }, - - header: function(name) { - try { - return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name); - } catch (e) {} - }, - - evalJSON: function() { - try { - return eval(this.header('X-JSON')); - } catch (e) {} - }, - - evalResponse: function() { - try { - return eval(this.transport.responseText); - } catch (e) { - this.dispatchException(e); - } - }, - - respondToReadyState: function(readyState) { - var event = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState]; - var transport = this.transport, json = this.evalJSON(); - - if (event == 'Complete') { - try { - (this.options['on' + this.transport.status] - || this.options['on' + (this.responseIsSuccess() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] - || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json); - } catch (e) { - this.dispatchException(e); - } - - if ((this.header('Content-type') || '').match(/^text\/javascript/i)) - this.evalResponse(); - } - - try { - (this.options['on' + event] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json); - Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + event, this, transport, json); - } catch (e) { - this.dispatchException(e); - } - - /* Avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up the oncomplete event handler */ - if (event == 'Complete') - this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction; - }, - - dispatchException: function(exception) { - (this.options.onException || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, exception); - Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception); - } -}); - -Ajax.Updater = Class.create(); - -Object.extend(Object.extend(Ajax.Updater.prototype, Ajax.Request.prototype), { - initialize: function(container, url, options) { - this.containers = { - success: container.success ? $(container.success) : $(container), - failure: container.failure ? $(container.failure) : - (container.success ? null : $(container)) - } - - this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); - this.setOptions(options); - - var onComplete = this.options.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction; - this.options.onComplete = (function(transport, object) { - this.updateContent(); - onComplete(transport, object); - }).bind(this); - - this.request(url); - }, - - updateContent: function() { - var receiver = this.responseIsSuccess() ? - this.containers.success : this.containers.failure; - var response = this.transport.responseText; - - if (!this.options.evalScripts) - response = response.stripScripts(); - - if (receiver) { - if (this.options.insertion) { - new this.options.insertion(receiver, response); - } else { - Element.update(receiver, response); - } - } - - if (this.responseIsSuccess()) { - if (this.onComplete) - setTimeout(this.onComplete.bind(this), 10); - } - } -}); - -Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create(); -Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), { - initialize: function(container, url, options) { - this.setOptions(options); - this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete; - - this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2); - this.decay = (this.options.decay || 1); - - this.updater = {}; - this.container = container; - this.url = url; - - this.start(); - }, - - start: function() { - this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this); - this.onTimerEvent(); - }, - - stop: function() { - this.updater.onComplete = undefined; - clearTimeout(this.timer); - (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments); - }, - - updateComplete: function(request) { - if (this.options.decay) { - this.decay = (request.responseText == this.lastText ? - this.decay * this.options.decay : 1); - - this.lastText = request.responseText; - } - this.timer = setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), - this.decay * this.frequency * 1000); - }, - - onTimerEvent: function() { - this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options); - } -}); -document.getElementsByClassName = function(className, parentElement) { - var children = ($(parentElement) || document.body).getElementsByTagName('*'); - return $A(children).inject([], function(elements, child) { - if (child.className.match(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"))) - elements.push(child); - return elements; - }); -} - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -if (!window.Element) { - var Element = new Object(); -} - -Object.extend(Element, { - visible: function(element) { - return $(element).style.display != 'none'; - }, - - toggle: function() { - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var element = $(arguments[i]); - Element[Element.visible(element) ? 'hide' : 'show'](element); - } - }, - - hide: function() { - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var element = $(arguments[i]); - = 'none'; - } - }, - - show: function() { - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var element = $(arguments[i]); - = ''; - } - }, - - remove: function(element) { - element = $(element); - element.parentNode.removeChild(element); - }, - - update: function(element, html) { - $(element).innerHTML = html.stripScripts(); - setTimeout(function() {html.evalScripts()}, 10); - }, - - getHeight: function(element) { - element = $(element); - return element.offsetHeight; - }, - - classNames: function(element) { - return new Element.ClassNames(element); - }, - - hasClassName: function(element, className) { - if (!(element = $(element))) return; - return Element.classNames(element).include(className); - }, - - addClassName: function(element, className) { - if (!(element = $(element))) return; - return Element.classNames(element).add(className); - }, - - removeClassName: function(element, className) { - if (!(element = $(element))) return; - return Element.classNames(element).remove(className); - }, - - // removes whitespace-only text node children - cleanWhitespace: function(element) { - element = $(element); - for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { - var node = element.childNodes[i]; - if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) - Element.remove(node); - } - }, - - empty: function(element) { - return $(element).innerHTML.match(/^\s*$/); - }, - - scrollTo: function(element) { - element = $(element); - var x = element.x ? element.x : element.offsetLeft, - y = element.y ? element.y : element.offsetTop; - window.scrollTo(x, y); - }, - - getStyle: function(element, style) { - element = $(element); - var value =[style.camelize()]; - if (!value) { - if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { - var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); - value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(style) : null; - } else if (element.currentStyle) { - value = element.currentStyle[style.camelize()]; - } - } - - if (window.opera && ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'].include(style)) - if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'static') value = 'auto'; - - return value == 'auto' ? null : value; - }, - - setStyle: function(element, style) { - element = $(element); - for (name in style) -[name.camelize()] = style[name]; - }, - - getDimensions: function(element) { - element = $(element); - if (Element.getStyle(element, 'display') != 'none') - return {width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight}; - - // All *Width and *Height properties give 0 on elements with display none, - // so enable the element temporarily - var els =; - var originalVisibility = els.visibility; - var originalPosition = els.position; - els.visibility = 'hidden'; - els.position = 'absolute'; - els.display = ''; - var originalWidth = element.clientWidth; - var originalHeight = element.clientHeight; - els.display = 'none'; - els.position = originalPosition; - els.visibility = originalVisibility; - return {width: originalWidth, height: originalHeight}; - }, - - makePositioned: function(element) { - element = $(element); - var pos = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); - if (pos == 'static' || !pos) { - element._madePositioned = true; - = 'relative'; - // Opera returns the offset relative to the positioning context, when an - // element is position relative but top and left have not been defined - if (window.opera) { - = 0; - = 0; - } - } - }, - - undoPositioned: function(element) { - element = $(element); - if (element._madePositioned) { - element._madePositioned = undefined; - = - = - = - = - = ''; - } - }, - - makeClipping: function(element) { - element = $(element); - if (element._overflow) return; - element._overflow =; - if ((Element.getStyle(element, 'overflow') || 'visible') != 'hidden') - = 'hidden'; - }, - - undoClipping: function(element) { - element = $(element); - if (element._overflow) return; - = element._overflow; - element._overflow = undefined; - } -}); - -var Toggle = new Object(); -Toggle.display = Element.toggle; - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -Abstract.Insertion = function(adjacency) { - this.adjacency = adjacency; -} - -Abstract.Insertion.prototype = { - initialize: function(element, content) { - this.element = $(element); - this.content = content.stripScripts(); - - if (this.adjacency && this.element.insertAdjacentHTML) { - try { - this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(this.adjacency, this.content); - } catch (e) { - if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tbody') { - this.insertContent(this.contentFromAnonymousTable()); - } else { - throw e; - } - } - } else { - this.range = this.element.ownerDocument.createRange(); - if (this.initializeRange) this.initializeRange(); - this.insertContent([this.range.createContextualFragment(this.content)]); - } - - setTimeout(function() {content.evalScripts()}, 10); - }, - - contentFromAnonymousTable: function() { - var div = document.createElement('div'); - div.innerHTML = '' + this.content + '
'; - return $A(div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes); - } -} - -var Insertion = new Object(); - -Insertion.Before = Class.create(); -Insertion.Before.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('beforeBegin'), { - initializeRange: function() { - this.range.setStartBefore(this.element); - }, - - insertContent: function(fragments) { - fragments.each((function(fragment) { - this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, this.element); - }).bind(this)); - } -}); - -Insertion.Top = Class.create(); -Insertion.Top.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('afterBegin'), { - initializeRange: function() { - this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element); - this.range.collapse(true); - }, - - insertContent: function(fragments) { - fragments.reverse(false).each((function(fragment) { - this.element.insertBefore(fragment, this.element.firstChild); - }).bind(this)); - } -}); - -Insertion.Bottom = Class.create(); -Insertion.Bottom.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('beforeEnd'), { - initializeRange: function() { - this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element); - this.range.collapse(this.element); - }, - - insertContent: function(fragments) { - fragments.each((function(fragment) { - this.element.appendChild(fragment); - }).bind(this)); - } -}); - -Insertion.After = Class.create(); -Insertion.After.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('afterEnd'), { - initializeRange: function() { - this.range.setStartAfter(this.element); - }, - - insertContent: function(fragments) { - fragments.each((function(fragment) { - this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, - this.element.nextSibling); - }).bind(this)); - } -}); - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -Element.ClassNames = Class.create(); -Element.ClassNames.prototype = { - initialize: function(element) { - this.element = $(element); - }, - - _each: function(iterator) { - this.element.className.split(/\s+/).select(function(name) { - return name.length > 0; - })._each(iterator); - }, - - set: function(className) { - this.element.className = className; - }, - - add: function(classNameToAdd) { - if (this.include(classNameToAdd)) return; - this.set(this.toArray().concat(classNameToAdd).join(' ')); - }, - - remove: function(classNameToRemove) { - if (!this.include(classNameToRemove)) return; - this.set( { - return className != classNameToRemove; - }).join(' ')); - }, - - toString: function() { - return this.toArray().join(' '); - } -} - -Object.extend(Element.ClassNames.prototype, Enumerable); -var Field = { - clear: function() { - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) - $(arguments[i]).value = ''; - }, - - focus: function(element) { - $(element).focus(); - }, - - present: function() { - for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) - if ($(arguments[i]).value == '') return false; - return true; - }, - - select: function(element) { - $(element).select(); - }, - - activate: function(element) { - element = $(element); - element.focus(); - if ( -; - } -} - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -var Form = { - serialize: function(form) { - var elements = Form.getElements($(form)); - var queryComponents = new Array(); - - for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { - var queryComponent = Form.Element.serialize(elements[i]); - if (queryComponent) - queryComponents.push(queryComponent); - } - - return queryComponents.join('&'); - }, - - getElements: function(form) { - form = $(form); - var elements = new Array(); - - for (tagName in Form.Element.Serializers) { - var tagElements = form.getElementsByTagName(tagName); - for (var j = 0; j < tagElements.length; j++) - elements.push(tagElements[j]); - } - return elements; - }, - - getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) { - form = $(form); - var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); - - if (!typeName && !name) - return inputs; - - var matchingInputs = new Array(); - for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { - var input = inputs[i]; - if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) || - (name && != name)) - continue; - matchingInputs.push(input); - } - - return matchingInputs; - }, - - disable: function(form) { - var elements = Form.getElements(form); - for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { - var element = elements[i]; - element.blur(); - element.disabled = 'true'; - } - }, - - enable: function(form) { - var elements = Form.getElements(form); - for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { - var element = elements[i]; - element.disabled = ''; - } - }, - - findFirstElement: function(form) { - return Form.getElements(form).find(function(element) { - return element.type != 'hidden' && !element.disabled && - ['input', 'select', 'textarea'].include(element.tagName.toLowerCase()); - }); - }, - - focusFirstElement: function(form) { - Field.activate(Form.findFirstElement(form)); - }, - - reset: function(form) { - $(form).reset(); - } -} - -Form.Element = { - serialize: function(element) { - element = $(element); - var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); - var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element); - - if (parameter) { - var key = encodeURIComponent(parameter[0]); - if (key.length == 0) return; - - if (parameter[1].constructor != Array) - parameter[1] = [parameter[1]]; - - return parameter[1].map(function(value) { - return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); - }).join('&'); - } - }, - - getValue: function(element) { - element = $(element); - var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); - var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element); - - if (parameter) - return parameter[1]; - } -} - -Form.Element.Serializers = { - input: function(element) { - switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { - case 'submit': - case 'hidden': - case 'password': - case 'text': - return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element); - case 'checkbox': - case 'radio': - return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element); - } - return false; - }, - - inputSelector: function(element) { - if (element.checked) - return [, element.value]; - }, - - textarea: function(element) { - return [, element.value]; - }, - - select: function(element) { - return Form.Element.Serializers[element.type == 'select-one' ? - 'selectOne' : 'selectMany'](element); - }, - - selectOne: function(element) { - var value = '', opt, index = element.selectedIndex; - if (index >= 0) { - opt = element.options[index]; - value = opt.value; - if (!value && !('value' in opt)) - value = opt.text; - } - return [, value]; - }, - - selectMany: function(element) { - var value = new Array(); - for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { - var opt = element.options[i]; - if (opt.selected) { - var optValue = opt.value; - if (!optValue && !('value' in opt)) - optValue = opt.text; - value.push(optValue); - } - } - return [, value]; - } -} - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -var $F = Form.Element.getValue; - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -Abstract.TimedObserver = function() {} -Abstract.TimedObserver.prototype = { - initialize: function(element, frequency, callback) { - this.frequency = frequency; - this.element = $(element); - this.callback = callback; - - this.lastValue = this.getValue(); - this.registerCallback(); - }, - - registerCallback: function() { - setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000); - }, - - onTimerEvent: function() { - var value = this.getValue(); - if (this.lastValue != value) { - this.callback(this.element, value); - this.lastValue = value; - } - } -} - -Form.Element.Observer = Class.create(); -Form.Element.Observer.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.TimedObserver(), { - getValue: function() { - return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); - } -}); - -Form.Observer = Class.create(); -Form.Observer.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.TimedObserver(), { - getValue: function() { - return Form.serialize(this.element); - } -}); - -/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - -Abstract.EventObserver = function() {} -Abstract.EventObserver.prototype = { - initialize: function(element, callback) { - this.element = $(element); - this.callback = callback; - - this.lastValue = this.getValue(); - if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') - this.registerFormCallbacks(); - else - this.registerCallback(this.element); - }, - - onElementEvent: function() { - var value = this.getValue(); - if (this.lastValue != value) { - this.callback(this.element, value); - this.lastValue = value; - } - }, - - registerFormCallbacks: function() { - var elements = Form.getElements(this.element); - for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) - this.registerCallback(elements[i]); - }, - - registerCallback: function(element) { - if (element.type) { - switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { - case 'checkbox': - case 'radio': - Event.observe(element, 'click', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); - break; - case 'password': - case 'text': - case 'textarea': - case 'select-one': - case 'select-multiple': - Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); - break; - } - } - } -} - -Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create(); -Form.Element.EventObserver.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.EventObserver(), { - getValue: function() { - return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); - } -}); - -Form.EventObserver = Class.create(); -Form.EventObserver.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.EventObserver(), { - getValue: function() { - return Form.serialize(this.element); - } -}); -if (!window.Event) { - var Event = new Object(); -} - -Object.extend(Event, { - KEY_BACKSPACE: 8, - KEY_TAB: 9, - KEY_RETURN: 13, - KEY_ESC: 27, - KEY_LEFT: 37, - KEY_UP: 38, - KEY_RIGHT: 39, - KEY_DOWN: 40, - KEY_DELETE: 46, - - element: function(event) { - return || event.srcElement; - }, - - isLeftClick: function(event) { - return (((event.which) && (event.which == 1)) || - ((event.button) && (event.button == 1))); - }, - - pointerX: function(event) { - return event.pageX || (event.clientX + - (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft)); - }, - - pointerY: function(event) { - return event.pageY || (event.clientY + - (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop)); - }, - - stop: function(event) { - if (event.preventDefault) { - event.preventDefault(); - event.stopPropagation(); - } else { - event.returnValue = false; - event.cancelBubble = true; - } - }, - - // find the first node with the given tagName, starting from the - // node the event was triggered on; traverses the DOM upwards - findElement: function(event, tagName) { - var element = Event.element(event); - while (element.parentNode && (!element.tagName || - (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != tagName.toUpperCase()))) - element = element.parentNode; - return element; - }, - - observers: false, - - _observeAndCache: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) { - if (!this.observers) this.observers = []; - if (element.addEventListener) { - this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]); - element.addEventListener(name, observer, useCapture); - } else if (element.attachEvent) { - this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]); - element.attachEvent('on' + name, observer); - } - }, - - unloadCache: function() { - if (!Event.observers) return; - for (var i = 0; i < Event.observers.length; i++) { - Event.stopObserving.apply(this, Event.observers[i]); - Event.observers[i][0] = null; - } - Event.observers = false; - }, - - observe: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) { - var element = $(element); - useCapture = useCapture || false; - - if (name == 'keypress' && - (navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/) - || element.attachEvent)) - name = 'keydown'; - - this._observeAndCache(element, name, observer, useCapture); - }, - - stopObserving: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) { - var element = $(element); - useCapture = useCapture || false; - - if (name == 'keypress' && - (navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/) - || element.detachEvent)) - name = 'keydown'; - - if (element.removeEventListener) { - element.removeEventListener(name, observer, useCapture); - } else if (element.detachEvent) { - element.detachEvent('on' + name, observer); - } - } -}); - -/* prevent memory leaks in IE */ -Event.observe(window, 'unload', Event.unloadCache, false); -var Position = { - // set to true if needed, warning: firefox performance problems - // NOT neeeded for page scrolling, only if draggable contained in - // scrollable elements - includeScrollOffsets: false, - - // must be called before calling withinIncludingScrolloffset, every time the - // page is scrolled - prepare: function() { - this.deltaX = window.pageXOffset - || document.documentElement.scrollLeft - || document.body.scrollLeft - || 0; - this.deltaY = window.pageYOffset - || document.documentElement.scrollTop - || document.body.scrollTop - || 0; - }, - - realOffset: function(element) { - var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; - do { - valueT += element.scrollTop || 0; - valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0; - element = element.parentNode; - } while (element); - return [valueL, valueT]; - }, - - cumulativeOffset: function(element) { - var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; - do { - valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; - valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; - element = element.offsetParent; - } while (element); - return [valueL, valueT]; - }, - - positionedOffset: function(element) { - var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; - do { - valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; - valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; - element = element.offsetParent; - if (element) { - p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); - if (p == 'relative' || p == 'absolute') break; - } - } while (element); - return [valueL, valueT]; - }, - - offsetParent: function(element) { - if (element.offsetParent) return element.offsetParent; - if (element == document.body) return element; - - while ((element = element.parentNode) && element != document.body) - if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') != 'static') - return element; - - return document.body; - }, - - // caches x/y coordinate pair to use with overlap - within: function(element, x, y) { - if (this.includeScrollOffsets) - return this.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(element, x, y); - this.xcomp = x; - this.ycomp = y; - this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element); - - return (y >= this.offset[1] && - y < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight && - x >= this.offset[0] && - x < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth); - }, - - withinIncludingScrolloffsets: function(element, x, y) { - var offsetcache = this.realOffset(element); - - this.xcomp = x + offsetcache[0] - this.deltaX; - this.ycomp = y + offsetcache[1] - this.deltaY; - this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element); - - return (this.ycomp >= this.offset[1] && - this.ycomp < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight && - this.xcomp >= this.offset[0] && - this.xcomp < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth); - }, - - // within must be called directly before - overlap: function(mode, element) { - if (!mode) return 0; - if (mode == 'vertical') - return ((this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight) - this.ycomp) / - element.offsetHeight; - if (mode == 'horizontal') - return ((this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth) - this.xcomp) / - element.offsetWidth; - }, - - clone: function(source, target) { - source = $(source); - target = $(target); - = 'absolute'; - var offsets = this.cumulativeOffset(source); - = offsets[1] + 'px'; - = offsets[0] + 'px'; - = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; - = source.offsetHeight + 'px'; - }, - - page: function(forElement) { - var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; - - var element = forElement; - do { - valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; - valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; - - // Safari fix - if (element.offsetParent==document.body) - if (Element.getStyle(element,'position')=='absolute') break; - - } while (element = element.offsetParent); - - element = forElement; - do { - valueT -= element.scrollTop || 0; - valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0; - } while (element = element.parentNode); - - return [valueL, valueT]; - }, - - clone: function(source, target) { - var options = Object.extend({ - setLeft: true, - setTop: true, - setWidth: true, - setHeight: true, - offsetTop: 0, - offsetLeft: 0 - }, arguments[2] || {}) - - // find page position of source - source = $(source); - var p =; - - // find coordinate system to use - target = $(target); - var delta = [0, 0]; - var parent = null; - // delta [0,0] will do fine with position: fixed elements, - // position:absolute needs offsetParent deltas - if (Element.getStyle(target,'position') == 'absolute') { - parent = Position.offsetParent(target); - delta =; - } - - // correct by body offsets (fixes Safari) - if (parent == document.body) { - delta[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft; - delta[1] -= document.body.offsetTop; - } - - // set position - if(options.setLeft) = (p[0] - delta[0] + options.offsetLeft) + 'px'; - if(options.setTop) = (p[1] - delta[1] + options.offsetTop) + 'px'; - if(options.setWidth) = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; - if(options.setHeight) = source.offsetHeight + 'px'; - }, - - absolutize: function(element) { - element = $(element); - if ( == 'absolute') return; - Position.prepare(); - - var offsets = Position.positionedOffset(element); - var top = offsets[1]; - var left = offsets[0]; - var width = element.clientWidth; - var height = element.clientHeight; - - element._originalLeft = left - parseFloat( || 0); - element._originalTop = top - parseFloat( || 0); - element._originalWidth =; - element._originalHeight =; - - = 'absolute'; - = top + 'px';; - = left + 'px';; - = width + 'px';; - = height + 'px';; - }, - - relativize: function(element) { - element = $(element); - if ( == 'relative') return; - Position.prepare(); - - = 'relative'; - var top = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalTop || 0); - var left = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalLeft || 0); - - = top + 'px'; - = left + 'px'; - = element._originalHeight; - = element._originalWidth; - } -} - -// Safari returns margins on body which is incorrect if the child is absolutely -// positioned. For performance reasons, redefine Position.cumulativeOffset for -// KHTML/WebKit only. -if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { - Position.cumulativeOffset = function(element) { - var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; - do { - valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; - valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; - if (element.offsetParent == document.body) - if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; - - element = element.offsetParent; - } while (element); - - return [valueL, valueT]; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 5f65bf67..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# -# CGI to set network parameters of an IP0X. - -cat < - - - -Please wait a few seconds..... - - - -EOF - -dhcp=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "dhcp=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/dhcp=//p"` -ipaddress=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "ipaddress=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/ipaddress=//p"` -netmask=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "netmask=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/netmask=//p"` -gateway=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "gateway=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/gateway=//p"` -dns=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "dns=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/dns=//p"` -backdoor=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "backdoor=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/backdoor=//p"` - -if [ $dhcp == "yes" ]; then - - # DHCP - - if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network-static ]; then - /etc/init.d/network-static disable - /etc/init.d/network-static stop - /etc/init.d/network enable - /etc/init.d/network start - else - # if already running restart service - /etc/init.d/network stop - /etc/init.d/network start - fi -fi - -if [ $dhcp == "no" ]; then - - # Static IP - - if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network ]; then - /etc/init.d/network stop - /etc/init.d/network disable - /etc/init.d/network-static enable - fi - - sed -i "s/DHCPD=.*/DHCPD=no/g" /etc/init.d/network-static - sed -i "s/IPADDRESS=.*/IPADDRESS=\"$ipaddress\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static - sed -i "s/NETMASK=.*/NETMASK=\"$netmask\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static - sed -i "s/GATEWAY=.*/GATEWAY=\"$gateway\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static - sed -i "s/DNS=.*/DNS=\"$dns\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static - /etc/init.d/network-static stop - /etc/init.d/network-static start -fi - -if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S05network-backdoor ]; then - sed -i "s/IPADDRESS=.*/IPADDRESS=\"$backdoor\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-backdoor - /etc/init.d/network-backdoor stop - /etc/init.d/network-backdoor start -fi diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index d9f2bd84..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -x -# -# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 -# CGI to set which extensions ring on uncoming calls - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -# extract extensions to ring and reload extensions.conf - -a=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n "s/=on*//pg" | sed -n 's,_,/,pg'` - -# escape & if present -echo "$a" | grep "&" >> /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - a=`echo $a | sed -n "s/&/\\\\&/pg"` -fi - -sed -i "s_s,1,Dial(.*) ;; mini-asterisk_s,1,Dial($a) ;; mini-asterisk_" /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf -asterisk -rx "dialplan reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null - -# bounce us back to Phones screen - -cat < - -Mini Asterisk - Set Ring - - -Please wait a few seconds..... -EOF -#echo $QUERY_STRING "
" -#echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n "s/=on*//pg" | sed -n 's,_,/,pg' -#echo "
" -#echo $a - -cat < - - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 2cee2e13..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -# -# David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 -# -# Replaces fields in sip.conf, outputs new sip.conf contents to stdout - -$user = $ARGV[0]; -$pass = $ARGV[1]; -$host = $ARGV[2]; -$stanza_new = $ARGV[3]; - -# We need to slurp up the mini asterisk provider and spit them -# back out. All must be commented out except for the one that -# is selected. Hopefully non-mini asterisk content of sip.conf -# won't be affected. - -open SIP, "/etc/asterisk/sip.conf"; -$provider = ""; -while () { - - # start of any new stanza switches off parsing. It may get - # switched back on below if it contains mini-asterisk - # keyword. This allows non-mini asterisk SIP stanzas to be - # included in sip.conf - - if (/\[/) { - $stanza = ""; - } - - # look for commented or uncommented mini asterisk provider stanza - - if (/\[(.*)\] .* mini-asterisk/) { - $stanza = $1; - } - - if ($stanza eq "") { - # we are not in an mini-asterisk provider stanza - - if (/;*register => (\S*)@(\S*).*;.*(mini-asterisk.*)/) { - # an mini-asterisk register line - - #print "XX stanza_new='$stanza_new' '$1' '$2' '$3'\n"; - - if ($2 eq $stanza_new) { - print "register => $user\@$stanza_new; $3\n"; - } - else { - print ";register => $1\@$2 ; $3\n"; - } - } - else { - # OK so this is a regular sip.conf line, just echo to stdout - print $_; - } - } - else { - # OK, we are in an mini-asterisk stanza - - # strip off any leading ";" - - $_ =~ s/^\;//; - - if ($stanza eq $stanza_new) { - - # this stanza should be uncommented - - if (/^user=/) { - print "user=$user\n"; - } - if (/^username=/) { - print "username=$user\n"; - } - elsif (/^fromuser=/) { - print "fromuser=$user\n"; - } - elsif (/^secret=/) { - print "secret=$pass\n"; - } - elsif (/^host=/) { - print "host=$host\n"; - } - else { - print $_; - } - } - else { - # comment out unused mini-asterisk stanzas - print ";$_"; - } - } - -} -close SIP; - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 3039a260..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# # David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 -# -# CGI to set voip line parameters in sip.conf. - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -user=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "user=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/user=//p"` -pass=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/pass=//p"` -host=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "host=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/host=//p"` -stanza=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "stanza=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/stanza=//p"` - -# create new sip.conf with selected provider uncommented - -echo "" $user $pass $host $stanza >> /tmp/log.txt -./ $user $pass $host $stanza > /etc/asterisk/ -mv /etc/asterisk/sip.conf /etc/asterisk/sip.conf.bak -mv /etc/asterisk/ /etc/asterisk/sip.conf - -# get asterisk to load changes - -asterisk -rx "sip reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null - -cat < - - - -Please wait a few seconds..... - - - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tick.png b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tick.png deleted file mode 100644 index c155dff4..00000000 Binary files a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tick.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.css b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.css deleted file mode 100644 index f426356c..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -.tip {font:12px/14px -Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; border:solid 1px -#666666; width:270px; padding:1px; -position:absolute; z-index:100; -visibility:hidden; color:#333333; top:20px; -left:90px; background-color:#ffffcc; -layer-background-color:#ffffcc;} diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.js b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.js deleted file mode 100644 index 26142e8a..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -// Extended Tooltip Javascript -// copyright 9th August 2002, 3rd July 2005, 24th August 2008 -// by Stephen Chapman, Felgall Pty Ltd - -// permission is granted to use this javascript provided that the below code is not altered -function pw() {return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth}; function mouseX(evt) {return evt.clientX ? evt.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft) : evt.pageX;} function mouseY(evt) {return evt.clientY ? evt.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) : evt.pageY} function popUp(evt,oi) {if (document.getElementById) {var wp = pw(); dm = document.getElementById(oi); ds =; st = ds.visibility; if (dm.offsetWidth) ew = dm.offsetWidth; else if (dm.clip.width) ew = dm.clip.width; if (st == "visible" || st == "show") { ds.visibility = "hidden"; } else {tv = mouseY(evt) + 20; lv = mouseX(evt) - (ew/4); if (lv < 2) lv = 2; else if (lv + ew > wp) lv -= ew/2; lv += 'px';tv += 'px'; ds.left = lv; = tv; ds.visibility = "visible";}}} - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltips.html b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltips.html deleted file mode 100644 index 91137b23..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltips.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -
- A tick means your phone system can reach the Internet. You need the Internet for VOIP calls - and software upgrades. - If you have a problem reaching the Internet check your Network settings, in - particular Gateway and DNS.
- -
- Emergency backdoor IP. Useful if you get locked out of the main network connection, for - example due to DHCP problems on your network or a configuration mistake. - Write this number down somewhere!
- -
- If ticked this phone will ring when some one - calls the phone system from an outside Analog - or VOIP Line. More than one phone can be - ticked. You can answer a call on another - ringing phone by dialling *8 on your phone - - see FAQ for details.
- -
- Analog Phone: Normal telephone plugged into a port on your phone system. -
- IP Phone plugged into your network. -
- Analog Phone Line: Analog telephone line plugged into a port on your phone system. -
- VOIP Phone Line: Make and receive phone calls over the Internet. -
- -
- Important information about your Phone System.
- -
- The address of your Phone System - on your network. Use this address to connect - IP Phones to your Phone System.
- -
- List of phones connected to your Phone - System. You can connect Analog or IP Phones - to your system. When IP Phones are - configured correctly, they appear on this - list. If an IP phone is not configured - correctly, it will not appear on this list. - Analog phones require hardware to be - installed in your Phone system.
- -
- List of phone lines available. Phone lines - are used to make and receive outside calls. - You can use regular Analog phone lines or - VOIP. VOIP phone lines require an account - with an Internet Telephone Service Provider. - Analog phone lines require hardware to be - installed in your Phone System.
- -
- Dial this number to call this phone
- -
- Port (socket) on the rear of your Phone System. Plug the phone into this Port.
- -
- Port (socket) on the rear of your Phone - System. Plug the phone line into this - Port.
- -
- Dial 0 for an Analog outside line. For example to call 5551234 dial 05551234
- -
- IP Address of this phone on your network
- -
- IP Address of the VOIP Internet Telephone Service Provider
- -
- Dial 1 for a VOIP outside line. For example to call 5551234 dial 15551234
- -
- Instructions and help on adding a new IP phone
- -
- Instructions and help on VOIP Line set up
- -
- List of possible IP phones. For a new phone - choose any Available number. Refresh this - page to update
- -
- The IP phone is connected to your phone system and ready to use
- -
- No IP phone is connected. Either no IP phone - is present, or the IP phone has not been set - up.
- -
- A VOIP line allows you to make and receive - phones calls over the Internet. Normally a - VOIP line is provided by an Internet Telephony - Service Provider (ITSP). They will give you - an account, which includes the user and - password details that you can fill in below. - Refresh this page on your browser to see if - your VOIP line is working.
- -
- Your Internet Telephony Service Provider. - They will give you an account with a user name - and password.
- -
- Your account name with your Internet Telephony Service Provider
- -
- The password for your Internet Telephony Service Provider account
- -
- The Internet address of your Internet - Telephony Service Provider. This will usually - be filled in automatically.
- -
- A tick means you are connected to your - Internet Telephony Service Provider. Refresh - your browser to update.
- -
- Press this button to restart your phone - system. This is the same as turning the power - off and back on.
- -
- Press this button to the latest version of - Mini Asterisk. An Mini Asterisk upgrade - requires an Internet connection.
- -
- Enter the URL of a firmware update script. - This option can be used to install new - firmware on your Phone System. Installing new - firmware requires an Internet - connection.
- diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/voiplines.js b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/voiplines.js deleted file mode 100644 index 083838af..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/voiplines.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -function changeProvider() { - provider = $('provider').value; - $('user').value = users[provider]; - $('pass').value = passwords[provider]; - $('host').value = hosts[provider]; - $('stanza').value = stanzas[provider]; -} diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index d8ccdca8..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/perl -# -# David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 -# -# Text processing for the voiplines screen - -# slurp up list of possible voip line providers -------------------------------- -# one of these will be currently selected - -open SIP, "/etc/asterisk/sip.conf"; -my $provider = ""; # current provider bring parsed in sip.conf -my @providers=(); # list of all providers -my %stanza = (); # stanza name keyed on provider -my %user = (); # user keyed on provider -my %pass = (); # password keyed on provider -my %host = (); # host name keyed on provider - -while () { - - # start of any stanza switches off parsing. It may get switched - # back on below if it contains mini-asterisk keyword. This allows - # non-mini asterisk SIP devices to be included in sip.conf - - if (/\[/) { - $provider = ""; - } - - # currently disabled mini-asterisk provider - - if (/^;\[(.*)\].* \"(.*)\" mini-asterisk/) { - push (@providers, $2); - $provider = $2; - $stanza{$2} = $1; - #print "'$1' '$2'\n"; - } - - # current mini-asterisk provider - - if (/^\[(.*)\].* \"(.*)\" mini-asterisk/) { - push (@providers, $2); - $provider = $2; - $provider_current = $2; - $stanza{$2} = $1; - #print "'$1' '$2'\n"; - } - - if ($provider ne "") { - #print $_; - - if (/^;*user=(.*)/) { - $user{$provider} = $1; - } - if (/^;*username=(.*)/) { - $user{$provider} = $1; - } - if (/^;*secret=(.*)/) { - $pass{$provider} = $1; - } - if (/^;*host=(.*)/) { - $host{$provider} = $1; - } - } - - $state = $next_state; -} -close SIP; - -# Determine if Asterisk can see current voip line (SIP trunk) -# sipshowpeers.txt needs to be generated before calling this perl -# script - -my %voip = (); # SIP trunks status keyed on sip.conf stanza name/username - # if no entry we can't see SIP trunk - -open SIP, "sipshowregistry.txt"; -while () { - if (/^(.*):.*(Registered)/) { - $voip{$1} = $2; - #print "'$1' '$2' $voip{$1}\n"; - } -} - -close SIP; - -# javascript to handle changing providers - -print "\n"; - -# generate form fields ------------------------------------------- - -$tt_provider = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_provider')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_provider')\""; -$tt_user = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_user')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_user')\""; -$tt_pass = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_pass')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_pass')\""; -$tt_host = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_host')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_host')\""; -$tt_status = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_status')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_status')\""; - -print "Provider\n"; -print "\n"; - -print "User:\n"; -print "Password:\n"; -print "Host:\n"; - -#print "\nXXX $provider_current $stanza{$provider_current} $voip{$stanza{$provider_current}}\n"; - -if ($voip{$stanza{$provider_current}} eq "Registered") { - $icon = "\"OK\""; -} -else { - $icon = "\"Not"; -} -print "Voip Line Status:$icon\n"; - -# hidden field to pass stanza with form - -print ""; diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ deleted file mode 100644 index 9067ad49..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 -# VOIP Line screen for Mini Asterisk GUI - -# check we are logged in - -echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then - echo "" - echo "" - echo '' - echo "" - echo "" - exit -fi - -# See if we have can reach the VOIP Line provider - -asterisk "-rx sip show registry" 2>/dev/null > sipshowregistry.txt - -# Construct the web page ------------------------------- - -cat < - - - - -Mini Asterisk - VOIP Line -EOF - -cat tooltips.html -echo '' -cat banner.html -echo " " -cat menu.html -cat < - -
- - - - - -EOF - -./ - -cat < - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - -EOF - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf b/easy-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf deleted file mode 100644 index 12868e74..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -; extensions.conf -; David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 -; - -; Designed for Mini Asterisk GUI. However you can hand modify as much -; as you like, as GUI scripts read/and write regular extensions.conf -; without messing with your custom dialplan - - -[general] -static = yes -writeprotect = no -autofallthrough = yes -clearglobalvars = no -priorityjumping = no - -[default] - -; Pre-configured analog extensions, depends on IP0X model and what modules -; are installed. Some of these may map to FXO ports - -exten => 6001,1,Dial(Zap/1) -exten => 6002,1,Dial(Zap/2) -exten => 6003,1,Dial(Zap/3) -exten => 6004,1,Dial(Zap/4) -exten => 6005,1,Dial(Zap/5) -exten => 6006,1,Dial(Zap/6) -exten => 6007,1,Dial(Zap/7) -exten => 6008,1,Dial(Zap/8) - -; Pre-configured SIP-phone extensions. Primary use case is multiple SIP -; extensions and FXO analog Ports - -exten => 6011,1,Dial(SIP/6011) -exten => 6012,1,Dial(SIP/6012) -exten => 6013,1,Dial(SIP/6013) -exten => 6014,1,Dial(SIP/6014) -exten => 6015,1,Dial(SIP/6015) -exten => 6016,1,Dial(SIP/6016) -exten => 6017,1,Dial(SIP/6017) -exten => 6018,1,Dial(SIP/6018) -exten => 6019,1,Dial(SIP/6019) -exten => 6020,1,Dial(SIP/6020) -exten => 6021,1,Dial(SIP/6021) -exten => 6022,1,Dial(SIP/6022) -exten => 6023,1,Dial(SIP/6023) -exten => 6024,1,Dial(SIP/6024) -exten => 6025,1,Dial(SIP/6025) -exten => 6026,1,Dial(SIP/6026) -exten => 6027,1,Dial(SIP/6027) -exten => 6028,1,Dial(SIP/6028) -exten => 6029,1,Dial(SIP/6029) -exten => 6030,1,Dial(SIP/6030) - -;; Pre-configured mini-asterisk outgoing Analog group - -exten => _0.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}) - -;; Pre-configured mini-asterisk outgoing VOIP line - -exten => _1.,1,Dial(SIP/voip/${EXTEN:1}) - -;; Pre-configured incoming calls - -exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/6011) ;; mini-asterisk - don't remove this comment diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/sip.conf b/easy-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/sip.conf deleted file mode 100644 index ee3e1046..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/sip.conf +++ /dev/null @@ -1,559 +0,0 @@ -; -; SIP Configuration example for Asterisk -; -; Syntax for specifying a SIP device in extensions.conf is -; SIP/devicename where devicename is defined in a section below. -; -; You may also use -; SIP/username@domain to call any SIP user on the Internet -; (Don't forget to enable DNS SRV records if you want to use this) -; -; If you define a SIP proxy as a peer below, you may call -; SIP/proxyhostname/user or SIP/user@proxyhostname -; where the proxyhostname is defined in a section below -; -; Useful CLI commands to check peers/users: -; sip show peers Show all SIP peers (including friends) -; sip show users Show all SIP users (including friends) -; sip show registry Show status of hosts we register with -; -; sip debug Show all SIP messages -; -; reload Reload configuration file -; Active SIP peers will not be reconfigured -; - -[general] -context=default ; Default context for incoming calls -;allowguest=no ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes, this can also be set to 'osp' - ; if asterisk was compiled with OSP support. -;realm=mydomain.tld ; Realm for digest authentication - ; defaults to "asterisk" - ; Realms MUST be globally unique according to RFC 3261 - ; Set this to your host name or domain name -bindport=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060) -bindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all) -srvlookup=yes ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls - ; Note: Asterisk only uses the first host - ; in SRV records - ; Disabling DNS SRV lookups disables the - ; ability to place SIP calls based on domain - ; names to some other SIP users on the Internet - -;domain=mydomain.tld ; Set default domain for this host - ; If configured, Asterisk will only allow - ; INVITE and REFER to non-local domains - ; Use "sip show domains" to list local domains -;domain=mydomain.tld,mydomain-incoming - ; Add domain and configure incoming context - ; for external calls to this domain -;domain= ; Add IP address as local domain - ; You can have several "domain" settings -;allowexternalinvites=no ; Disable INVITE and REFER to non-local domains - ; Default is yes -;autodomain=yes ; Turn this on to have Asterisk add local host - ; name and local IP to domain list. -;pedantic=yes ; Enable slow, pedantic checking for Pingtel - ; and multiline formatted headers for strict - ; SIP compatibility (defaults to "no") -;tos=184 ; Set IP QoS to either a keyword or numeric val -;tos=lowdelay ; lowdelay,throughput,reliability,mincost,none -;maxexpiry=3600 ; Max length of incoming registration we allow -;defaultexpiry=120 ; Default length of incoming/outoing registration -;notifymimetype=text/plain ; Allow overriding of mime type in MWI NOTIFY -;checkmwi=10 ; Default time between mailbox checks for peers -;vmexten=voicemail ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox sets the - ; Message-Account in the MWI notify message - ; defaults to "asterisk" -;videosupport=yes ; Turn on support for SIP video -;recordhistory=yes ; Record SIP history by default - ; (see sip history / sip no history) - -;disallow=all ; First disallow all codecs -;allow=ulaw ; Allow codecs in order of preference -;allow=ilbc ; -;musicclass=default ; Sets the default music on hold class for all SIP calls - ; This may also be set for individual users/peers -;language=en ; Default language setting for all users/peers - ; This may also be set for individual users/peers -;relaxdtmf=yes ; Relax dtmf handling -;rtptimeout=60 ; Terminate call if 60 seconds of no RTP activity - ; when we're not on hold -;rtpholdtimeout=300 ; Terminate call if 300 seconds of no RTP activity - ; when we're on hold (must be > rtptimeout) -;trustrpid = no ; If Remote-Party-ID should be trusted -;sendrpid = yes ; If Remote-Party-ID should be sent -;progressinband=never ; If we should generate in-band ringing always - ; use 'never' to never use in-band signalling, even in cases - ; where some buggy devices might not render it -;useragent=Asterisk PBX ; Allows you to change the user agent string -;promiscredir = no ; If yes, allows 302 or REDIR to non-local SIP address - ; Note that promiscredir when redirects are made to the - ; local system will cause loops since SIP is incapable - ; of performing a "hairpin" call. -;usereqphone = no ; If yes, ";user=phone" is added to uri that contains - ; a valid phone number -;dtmfmode = rfc2833 ; Set default dtmfmode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833 - ; Other options: - ; info : SIP INFO messages - ; inband : Inband audio (requires 64 kbit codec -alaw, ulaw) - ; auto : Use rfc2833 if offered, inband otherwise - -;compactheaders = yes ; send compact sip headers. -;sipdebug = yes ; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from - ; the moment the channel loads this configuration -;subscribecontext = default ; Set a specific context for SUBSCRIBE requests - ; Useful to limit subscriptions to local extensions - ; Settable per peer/user also -;notifyringing = yes ; Notify subscriptions on RINGING state - -; -; If regcontext is specified, Asterisk will dynamically create and destroy a -; NoOp priority 1 extension for a given peer who registers or unregisters with -; us. The actual extension is the 'regexten' parameter of the registering -; peer or its name if 'regexten' is not provided. More than one regexten may -; be supplied if they are separated by '&'. Patterns may be used in regexten. -; -;regcontext=sipregistrations -; -; Asterisk can register as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider) -; Format for the register statement is: -; register => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension] -; -; If no extension is given, the 's' extension is used. The extension needs to -; be defined in extensions.conf to be able to accept calls from this SIP proxy -; (provider). -; -; host is either a host name defined in DNS or the name of a section defined -; below. -; -; Examples: -; -;register => -; -; This will pass incoming calls to the 's' extension -; -; -;register => 2345:password@sip_proxy/1234 -; -; Register 2345 at sip provider 'sip_proxy'. Calls from this provider -; connect to local extension 1234 in extensions.conf, default context, -; unless you configure a [sip_proxy] section below, and configure a -; context. -; Tip 1: Avoid assigning hostname to a sip.conf section like [] -; Tip 2: Use separate type=peer and type=user sections for SIP providers -; (instead of type=friend) if you have calls in both directions - -;registertimeout=20 ; retry registration calls every 20 seconds (default) -;registerattempts=10 ; Number of registration attempts before we give up - ; 0 = continue forever, hammering the other server until it - ; accepts the registration - ; Default is 0 tries, continue forever -;callevents=no ; generate manager events when sip ua performs events (e.g. hold) - -; register mini-asterisk voip line providers here - -register => user@generic ; mini-asterisk - do not change this comment -;register => user@oeg ; mini-asterisk - do not change this comment - -;----------------------------------------- NAT SUPPORT ------------------------ -; The externip, externhost and localnet settings are used if you use Asterisk -; behind a NAT device to communicate with services on the outside. - -;externip = ; Address that we're going to put in outbound SIP messages - ; if we're behind a NAT - - ; The externip and localnet is used - ; when registering and communicating with other proxies - ; that we're registered with -; ; Alternatively you can specify an - ; external host, and Asterisk will - ; perform DNS queries periodically. Not - ; recommended for production - ; environments! Use externip instead -;externrefresh=10 ; How often to refresh externhost if - ; used - ; You may add multiple local networks. A reasonable set of defaults - ; are: -;localnet=; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks -;localnet= ; Also RFC1918 -;localnet= ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation -;localnet= ;Zero conf local network - -; The nat= setting is used when Asterisk is on a public IP, communicating with -; devices hidden behind a NAT device (broadband router). If you have one-way -; audio problems, you usually have problems with your NAT configuration or your -; firewall's support of SIP+RTP ports. You configure Asterisk choice of RTP -; ports for incoming audio in rtp.conf -; -;nat=no ; Global NAT settings (Affects all peers and users) - ; yes = Always ignore info and assume NAT - ; no = Use NAT mode only according to RFC3581 - ; never = Never attempt NAT mode or RFC3581 support - ; route = Assume NAT, don't send rport - ; (work around more UNIDEN bugs) - -;rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list - ; just like friends added from the config file only on a - ; as-needed basis? (yes|no) - -;rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no) - ; If set to yes, when a SIP UA registers successfully, the ip address, - ; the origination port, the registration period, and the username of - ; the UA will be set to database via realtime. If not present, defaults to 'yes'. - -;rtautoclear=yes ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule - ; as if it had just registered? (yes|no|) - ; If set to yes, when the registration expires, the friend will vanish from - ; the configuration until requested again. If set to an integer, - ; friends expire within this number of seconds instead of the - ; registration interval. - -;ignoreregexpire=yes ; Enabling this setting has two functions: - ; - ; For non-realtime peers, when their registration expires, the information - ; will _not_ be removed from memory or the Asterisk database; if you attempt - ; to place a call to the peer, the existing information will be used in spite - ; of it having expired - ; - ; For realtime peers, when the peer is retrieved from realtime storage, - ; the registration information will be used regardless of whether - ; it has expired or not; if it expires while the realtime peer is still in - ; memory (due to caching or other reasons), the information will not be - ; removed from realtime storage - -; Incoming INVITE and REFER messages can be matched against a list of 'allowed' -; domains, each of which can direct the call to a specific context if desired. -; By default, all domains are accepted and sent to the default context or the -; context associated with the user/peer placing the call. -; Domains can be specified using: -; domain=[,] -; Examples: -; domain=myasterisk.dom -;,customer-context -; -; In addition, all the 'default' domains associated with a server should be -; added if incoming request filtering is desired. -; autodomain=yes -; -; To disallow requests for domains not serviced by this server: -; allowexternaldomains=no - -; fromdomain=mydomain.tld ; When making outbound SIP INVITEs to - ; non-peers, use your primary domain "identity" - ; for From: headers instead of just your IP - ; address. This is to be polite and - ; it may be a mandatory requirement for some - ; destinations which do not have a prior - ; account relationship with your server. - -[authentication] -; Global credentials for outbound calls, i.e. when a proxy challenges your -; Asterisk server for authentication. These credentials override -; any credentials in peer/register definition if realm is matched. -; -; This way, Asterisk can authenticate for outbound calls to other -; realms. We match realm on the proxy challenge and pick an set of -; credentials from this list -; Syntax: -; auth = :@ -; auth = #@ -; Example: -; -; -; You may also add auth= statements to [peer] definitions -; Peer auth= override all other authentication settings if we match on realm - -;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -; Users and peers have different settings available. Friends have all settings, -; since a friend is both a peer and a user -; -; User config options: Peer configuration: -; -------------------- ------------------- -; context context -; permit permit -; deny deny -; secret secret -; md5secret md5secret -; dtmfmode dtmfmode -; canreinvite canreinvite -; nat nat -; callgroup callgroup -; pickupgroup pickupgroup -; language language -; allow allow -; disallow disallow -; insecure insecure -; trustrpid trustrpid -; progressinband progressinband -; promiscredir promiscredir -; useclientcode useclientcode -; accountcode accountcode -; setvar setvar -; callerid callerid -; amaflags amaflags -; call-limit call-limit -; restrictcid restrictcid -; subscribecontext subscribecontext -; videosupport videosupport -; mailbox -; username -; template -; fromdomain -; regexten -; fromuser -; host -; port -; qualify -; defaultip -; rtptimeout -; rtpholdtimeout -; sendrpid - -;[sip_proxy] -; For incoming calls only. Example: FWD (Free World Dialup) -; We match on IP address of the proxy for incoming calls -; since we can not match on username (caller id) -;type=peer -;context=from-fwd -; - -;[sip_proxy-out] -;type=peer ; we only want to call out, not be called -;secret=guessit -;username=yourusername ; Authentication user for outbound proxies -;fromuser=yourusername ; Many SIP providers require this! -;fromdomain=provider.sip.domain -; -;usereqphone=yes ; This provider requires ";user=phone" on URI -;call-limit=5 ; permit only 5 simultaneous outgoing calls to this peer - -;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -; Definitions of locally connected SIP phones -; -; type = user a device that authenticates to us by "from" field to place calls -; type = peer a device we place calls to or that calls us and we match by host -; type = friend two configurations (peer+user) in one -; -; For local phones, type=friend works most of the time -; -; If you have one-way audio, you propably have NAT problems. -; If Asterisk is on a public IP, and the phone is inside of a NAT device -; you will need to configure nat option for those phones. -; Also, turn on qualify=yes to keep the nat session open - -;[grandstream1] -;type=friend -;context=from-sip ; Where to start in the dialplan when this phone calls -;callerid=John Doe <1234> ; Full caller ID, to override the phones config -;host= ; we have a static but private IP address - ; No registration allowed -;nat=no ; there is not NAT between phone and Asterisk -;canreinvite=yes ; allow RTP voice traffic to bypass Asterisk -;dtmfmode=info ; either RFC2833 or INFO for the BudgeTone -;call-limit=1 ; permit only 1 outgoing call and 1 incoming call at a time - ; from the phone to asterisk - ; (1 for the explicit peer, 1 for the explicit user, - ; remember that a friend equals 1 peer and 1 user in - ; memory) -;mailbox=1234@default ; mailbox 1234 in voicemail context "default" -;disallow=all ; need to disallow=all before we can use allow= -;allow=ulaw ; Note: In user sections the order of codecs - ; listed with allow= does NOT matter! -;allow=alaw -;allow=g723.1 ; Asterisk only supports g723.1 pass-thru! -;allow=g729 ; Pass-thru only unless g729 license obtained -;astdb=chan2ext/SIP/grandstream1=1234 ; ensures an astDB entry exists - - -;[xlite1] -; Turn off silence suppression in X-Lite ("Transmit Silence"=YES)! -; Note that Xlite sends NAT keep-alive packets, so qualify=yes is not needed -;type=friend -;regexten=1234 ; When they register, create extension 1234 -;callerid="Jane Smith" <5678> -;host=dynamic ; This device needs to register -;nat=yes ; X-Lite is behind a NAT router -;canreinvite=no ; Typically set to NO if behind NAT -;disallow=all -;allow=gsm ; GSM consumes far less bandwidth than ulaw -;allow=ulaw -;allow=alaw -;mailbox=1234@default,1233@default ; Subscribe to status of multiple mailboxes - - -;[snom] -;type=friend ; Friends place calls and receive calls -;context=from-sip ; Context for incoming calls from this user -;secret=blah -;subscribecontext=localextensions ; Only allow SUBSCRIBE for local extensions -;language=de ; Use German prompts for this user -;host=dynamic ; This peer register with us -;dtmfmode=inband ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info -;defaultip= ; IP used until peer registers -;mailbox=1234@context,2345 ; Mailbox(-es) for message waiting indicator -;vmexten=voicemail ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox - ; sets the Message-Account in the MWI notify message - ; defaults to global vmexten which defaults to "asterisk" -;restrictcid=yes ; To have the callerid restriced -> sent as ANI -;disallow=all -;allow=ulaw ; dtmfmode=inband only works with ulaw or alaw! - - -;[polycom] -;type=friend ; Friends place calls and receive calls -;context=from-sip ; Context for incoming calls from this user -;secret=blahpoly -;host=dynamic ; This peer register with us -;dtmfmode=rfc2833 ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info -;username=polly ; Username to use in INVITE until peer registers - ; Normally you do NOT need to set this parameter -;disallow=all -;allow=ulaw ; dtmfmode=inband only works with ulaw or alaw! -;progressinband=no ; Polycom phones don't work properly with "never" - - -;[pingtel] -;type=friend -;secret=blah -;host=dynamic -;insecure=port ; Allow matching of peer by IP address without matching port number -;insecure=invite ; Do not require authentication of incoming INVITEs -;insecure=port,invite ; (both) -;qualify=1000 ; Consider it down if it's 1 second to reply - ; Helps with NAT session - ; qualify=yes uses default value -;callgroup=1,3-4 ; We are in caller groups 1,3,4 -;pickupgroup=1,3-5 ; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5 -;defaultip= ; IP address to use if peer has not registred - -;[cisco1] -;type=friend -;secret=blah -;qualify=200 ; Qualify peer is no more than 200ms away -;nat=yes ; This phone may be natted - ; Send SIP and RTP to the IP address that packet is - ; received from instead of trusting SIP headers -;host=dynamic ; This device registers with us -;canreinvite=no ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the - ; RTP media stream (audio) to go directly from - ; the caller to the callee. Some devices do not - ; support this (especially if one of them is - ; behind a NAT). -;defaultip= ; IP address to use until registration -;username=goran ; Username to use when calling this device before registration - ; Normally you do NOT need to set this parameter -;setvar=CUSTID=5678 ; Channel variable to be set for all calls from this device - -; Pre-configured SIP extensions - -[6011] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6011 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6011 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 -qualify=yes - -[6012] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6012 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6012 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 - -[6013] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6013 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6013 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 - -[6014] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6014 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6014 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 - -[6015] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6015 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6015 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 - -[6016] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6016 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6016 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 - -[6017] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6017 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6017 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 - -[6018] -type=friend -context=default -host=dynamic -secret=6018 -canreinvite=no -callerid=6018 -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 - -; Pre-configured mini-asterisk SIP trunks - -[generic] ; "Generic" mini-asterisk do not remove this comment -type=friend -context=default -username=user -secret=password -host= -canreinvite=no -disallow=all -allow=ulaw,g729 -qualify=yes - -;[oeg] ; "OEG" mini-asterisk do not remove this comment -; -;secret=pass -;username=your user number -; -;fromuser=your user number -;insecure=port,invite -;type=friend -;disallow=all -;allow=g729,ulaw -;dtmfmod=rfc2833 -;qualify=yes -;canreinvite=no -;nat=yes -;context=default - diff --git a/easy-asterisk-gui/ b/easy-asterisk-gui/ deleted file mode 100755 index cd8e5055..00000000 --- a/easy-asterisk-gui/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -# -# -# Sets correct Revision number in the about screen. Good idea to -# run this before installing - -ver=`svn info | grep Revision` -sed -i "s/Revision: [0-9]*/$ver/" cgi-bin/ diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/COPYING b/mini-asterisk-gui/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d60c31a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/Makefile b/mini-asterisk-gui/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..400f535e --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Makefile +# David Rowe 1 Jan 2010 +# +# Makefile for Easy Asterisk GUI +# +# 1/ Download files to development box for testing: +# +# usage: make HOST=test.machine.ip|hostname test +# make HOST= test +# make HOST=boris test +# +# 2/ Create static copy of web pages from HOST for static demo +# +# usage: make HOST=test.machine.ip static + +test: + rcp cgi-bin/*.html cgi-bin/*.sh cgi-bin/*.pl cgi-bin/*.js cgi-bin/*.css \ + cgi-bin/*.png root@$(HOST):/www + rcp etc/asterisk/*.conf root@$(HOST):/etc/asterisk + +.PHONY : static +static: + # generate static pages + + rm -Rf static; mkdir static; cd static; \ + wget -rEk --header="Cookie: loggedin=1" http://$(HOST)/ + + # modify links to non-existent scripts on static demo + + sed -i "s,http://$(HOST)/,," static/$(HOST)/ + sed -i "s,http://$(HOST)/,," static/$(HOST)/ + sed -i "s,http://$(HOST)/,," static/$(HOST)/ + + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/README.txt b/mini-asterisk-gui/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a9c7636 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +Mini Asterisk +============= + +A simple, light weight GUI for Asterisk. + +image::/images/ip04/mini.png["Mini Asterisk Demo", link="mini/"] + +Click on the screen shot above for an on line demo. + +[[intro]] +Introduction +------------ + +Mini Asterisk is a simple Web GUI for Asterisk with comprehensive tool +tip documentation and a learning curve of a few minutes. Analog ports +and IP Phones are automatically detected, and no knowledge of Asterisk +configuration is required. + +Mini Asterisk is "unfeatured" - many of the Asterisk options are not +available. Instead it tries to make very basic, very common Asterisk +installations fast and simple, for example: + +* An Asterisk server running on your home gateway/firewall/server. + You want to connect a few IP Phones and make cheap phones calls + using VOIP. An Asterisk distro on a CD is a possibility but you + don't want to dedicate a full PC just for Asterisk. You don't + really want to learn obscure dial plan syntax and yet another conf + file format. + +* A small office that already has an old analog phone system. You + want to keep your current analog lines for incoming calls, but + install 8 IP Phones and use VOIP for outgoing calls. You know + enough to set up a DSL router but don't want to rely on "the Phone + Guy" or "The Computer Guy" at $100/hr to maintain your phone + system. + +* You are a "Phone Guy" who doesn't understand Linux and Asterisk but + you want to install IP-PBXes. + +[[why]] +Why Another Asterisk GUI? +------------------------- + +There are[a lot of +Asterisk GUIs] out there already. So why do we need another one? + +Well I needed an Asterisk GUI that was very easy to use for the +link:ip04.html[IP0X devices] I sell. Something that would lower the +technical skill required to install and maintain an Asterisk Phone +system. Something my wife and kids could use. + +I was also interested in exploring the ease-of-use meme, as we have +been discussing it a lot on the[Village Telco] +project. Just how easy can we make Asterisk to use? So I scratched +the itch. + +Mini Asterisk has the following features that make it reasonably +unique. They may be good or bad features depending on your point of +view! + +* Mini Asterisk is "un-featured" - it hides many of the advanced + Asterisk features in the interest of simple and fast configuration. + +* Light weight so it can run on embedded boxes like the IP0X family. + No SQL database or PHP or LAMP. Only a basic web server and a very + basic perl are required (e.g. microperl - no CPAN libraries). + +* Works directly on extensions.conf and sip.conf, but honors any edits + you make to these files. So all the powerful Asterisk features are + available in the background. + +* Doesn't use AJAX or the built-in Asterisk web server or users.conf + magic. Plain old HTML, a little Java-script and CGIs written in + shell script and Perl. + +* Doesn't use the Asterisk programming "model". For example you don't + have to understand what a dial-plan is, much less understand how to + code one. Plain English terms are used instead, for example "Phones + and Phone lines". Terms like Asterisk, Linux, SIP, Zap/1 don't even + get a mention. + +* Extensive tool tip documentation. No manual. + +* Doesn't require a dedicated PC, not installed from an ISO CD. So + you can use it as a GUI for Asterisk on a little SOHO Linux box that + is also your firewall, server etc. + +* Mini Asterisk tells you when something is wrong, for example you get + a warning if your Phone System can't see the Internet. + +* Extensive pre-configuration of extensions.conf and sip.conf, + pre-selected phone numbers, SIP trunks are selected from a pull-down + menu (except they are called VOIP lines). Analog ports are auto + detected, at least on the IP0X. This makes adding IP phones very + fast and simple. + +[[status]] +Status +------ + +Alpha: + +* Works on IP0X. +* Not tested on x86. Several IP0X features are n/a for x86 and should be + disabled when the x86 (or non-IP0X) platform is detected. +* Needs feedback from real users to see how useful the concept is and what + (un)features need to be added. +* Need a few more (un)features to be added, and Voip Line screen + populated with more ITSPs. +* But quite useable as it stands. + +[[notes]] +Implementation Notes +-------------------- + +Mini Asterisk is written for the +[IP0X embedded Asterisk] +hardware but will also run on x86 and probably many other platforms. + +Mini Asterisk has been written to be compatible with regular Asterisk +conf file configuration. Just leave the conf file lines with +"mini-asterisk" comments alone. The Asterisk conf files +extensions.conf and sip.conf are directly modified by Mini Asterisk, +but changes are limited to the "mini-asterisk" lines. + +For Auto-detection of Zap ports Mini Asterisk looks at +/etc/zapata.conf, so you may need this set up correctly for your +analog hardware. On the IP0X this happens automatically. + +[[install]] +Installation +------------ + +Note: this process may overwrite your Asterisk extensions.conf and +sip.conf files - back them up if you have an existing Asterisk +installation that you want to keep. The IP0X ipkg does attempt to +backup the modified conf files to *.bak but no guarantees.... + +However once mini-asterisk is installed it should honor any manual +changes made to extensions.conf and sip.conf. + +IP0X Installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Installation instructions for IP0X boxes running link:baps.html[BAPS], +with some version of Asterisk and Zaptel installed. + +------------------------------------------------------------------- +root~> ipkg install mini-asterisk +------------------------------------------------------------------- + +x86 Installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +. You need a web server, Asterisk and some sort of Perl installed +(very basic Perl installation is fine). Configure your web server to +run CGIs (.sh and .pl) from /www (lighttpd config instructions below). +Mini Asterisk expects all files (shell, perl, html etc) to be in the +same directory. If you find this painful please <>. + +. The process below places the web files in /www, you may like to +place the files somewhere else like /www/asterisk. One of the files +is named index.html so make sure you don't overwrite an existing +index.html. + +. Login as root to install the Mini Asterisk files: ++ +Remember to backup your existing extensions.conf & sip.conf in +/etc/asterisk ++ +------------------------------------------------------------------- +# cd ~ +# svn co +# ./ +# cp mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/* /etc/asterisk +# cp mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/* /www +# cd /etc/asterisk +# cp extensions.conf extensions.conf.def +# cp sip.conf sip.conf.def +# mv etc/asterisk/users.conf etc/asterisk/users.conf.bak +------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ +The final step above may not be required on your machine if you don't +have a users.conf. The .def copies are required by the "reset +defaults" feature on the admin screen. + +. Switch off the internal Asterisk web server by editing +/etc/asterisk.httpd.conf. Make sure the enabled line reads like this: + + enabled=no ++ +Then stop and restart Asterisk. + +. I use lighttpd as the web server, the /etc/lighttpd.conf lines +required are: ++ +------------------------------------------------------------------- +cgi.assign = ( ".sh" => "/bin/sh",".pl" => "/usr/sbin/microperl" ) +------------------------------------------------------------------- + +[[contribute]] +Contributions +------------- + +I welcome sip.conf entries for your favourite ITSP (VOIP service) to +help populate the Provider field of the +link:mini/[Voip Line Screen]. + +[[support]] +Support +------- + +Comments, features request, bugs please let me know using Free +Telephony Project[Support]. + +[[source]] +Source Code +----------- + +Browse: + +[] + +Check Out: + + $ svn co + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ca97111 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 7 Jan 2010 +# About screen for Mini Asterisk GUI + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +# Construct the web page ------------------------------- + +cat < + + +EOF + +cat << EOF + +Mini Asterisk - About +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < + +
+ +EOF +echo ' ' +echo ' ' +echo ' ' +echo ' ' + +more=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "more=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/more=//p"` +if [ $more -eq 1 ]; then + echo +else + echo " " + echo ' '; +cat < + + +


Mini Asterisk Revision: 122
Brought to you by the Free Telephony Project
+ + +EOF +exit +fi + +echo "  " +echo "

cat /proc/version

" +echo " " +cat /proc/version +echo " " + +which ipkg >> /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + echo "  " + echo "

ipkg list_installed

" + echo " " + ipkg list_installed | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' + echo " " +fi + +echo "  " +echo "

cat /proc/loadavg

" +echo " " +cat /proc/loadavg +echo " " + +echo "  " +echo "


" +echo " " +uptime +echo " " + +echo "  " +echo "

cat /proc/meminfo

" +echo " " +cat /proc/meminfo | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' +echo " " + +echo "  " +echo "

cat /proc/cmdline

" +echo " " +cat /proc/cmdline +echo " " + +echo "  " +echo "

cat /proc/cpuinfo

" +echo " " +cat /proc/cpuinfo +echo " " + +if [ -f /proc/mtd ]; then + echo "  " + echo "

cat /proc/mtd

" + echo " " + cat /proc/mtd | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' + echo " " +fi + +if [ -f /proc/yaffs ]; then + echo "  " + echo "

cat /proc/yaffs

" + echo " " + cat /proc/yaffs | tr '\n' '#' | sed -n 's/\#/
/pg' + echo " " +fi + +echo "  " +echo ' Less'; + +cat < + + + + + + + + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b309178 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 7 Jan 2010 +# Admin screen for Mini Asterisk GUI + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +# set password CGI ----------------------------------------------- + +echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + pass=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/pass=//p"` + passwd_cmdline $pass +fi + +# restart CGI ---------------------------------------------------- + +echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "restart=1" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + +# kill cookie to log out. This ensures hitting refresh wont run +# the restart process again + +cat < +Mini Asterisk - Restart + + +

Restarting...come back in 1 minute

+ +EOF +reboot +fi + +# set defaults CGI ---------------------------------------------------- + +echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "defaults=1" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + cp /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf.def /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf + cp /etc/asterisk/sip.conf.def /etc/asterisk/sip.conf + asterisk -rx "sip reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null + asterisk -rx "dialplan reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null +fi + +# Construct the web page ------------------------------- + +cat < + + +EOF + +cat << EOF + +Mini Asterisk - Admin +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



Change Phone System Password

New Password:
Default password is uClinux

Restart Phone System

+ + +

Reset Phone System Defaults

+ + +

Upgrade Mini Asterisk

+ + +

Install New Firmware

+ +
Firmware URL:
+ + + + + + + + + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/at-530.html b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/at-530.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..686fb703 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/at-530.html @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +
  1. Connect the WAN port of the AT-530 to your network, it will boot and obtain an IP via DHCP. +
  2. Find the IP of the phone by pressing the Sysinfo button a few times. +
  3. Open another browser window. Go to the phones IP, for example +
  4. Login to the phone using the username/password admin/admin. +
  5. Optional: set a static IP using the WAN menu (I like static IPs for SIP phones). +
  6. Go to the phone SIP Config menu. +
  7. Set Register Server Address to your Phone System IP Address. +
  8. Set Register Username to the phone number (e.g. 6011). +
  9. Also set Register Password to the phone number (e.g. 6011) and +the Phone Number to the phone number (e.g. 6011). +
  10. Check the Enable Register box. +
  11. Then click on Apply. +
  12. On your browser refresh this page to see if the phone is connected to your phone system. +
diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/banner.html b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/banner.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02889097 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/banner.html @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +


diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/cross.png b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/cross.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05baecdb Binary files /dev/null and b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/cross.png differ diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/faq.html b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/faq.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd6258e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/faq.html @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +
    + +
  1. Transfer a Call + +
  2. Answer a call on another ringing phone: If you hear another phone ringing and +want to answer the call on your phone, just pick up your phone and +dial *8. Note an IP phone can pick up a call on a ringing IP phone +but not an Analog phone. An Analog pohone can pick up another +ringing Analog phone but not an IP phone. + +
+ +

Resources and Links

  1. A good book on Asterisk is Asterisk - The Future of Telephony +
diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4ccf5d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 7 Jan 2010 +# FAQ screen for Mini Asterisk GUI + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +# Construct the web page ------------------------------- + +cat < + + +EOF + +cat << EOF + +Mini Asterisk - FAQ +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < + +
+ + +


+EOF +cat faq.html +cat <
+ + + + + + + + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/index.html b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8514560b --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ipphones.js b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ipphones.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c50ceac --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ipphones.js @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +function localInit() { +} + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87f279f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#!usr/bin/perl +# +# David Rowe 6 Jan 2010 +# +# Text processing for the ipphones screen + +$ipaddress = $ARGV[0]; +$more = $ARGV[1]; + +# Slurp up SIP extension (Sip) data from extensions.conf + +my %ip = (); # ip extension keyed on sip.conf name + +open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; +while () { + if (/.*=>[ ]*([0-9]*),1.*SIP\/([0-9]*)\)/) { + $ip{$2} = $1; + #print "'$1' '$2' $ip{$2}\n"; + } +} +close EXT; + +my %sip = (); # SIP IP phone status keyed on sip.conf names + # if no entry we can't see IP phone device +my %voip = (); # SIP trunks status keyed on sip.conf names + # if no entry we can't see SIP trunk +my %ipad = (); # IP address of SIP device keyed on sip.conf names + +open SIP, "sipshowpeers.txt"; +while () { + if (/^([0-9]*)[\s\/].*(OK)/) { + $sip{$1} = $2; + #print "'$1' '$2' $sip{$1}\n"; + $e = $1; + if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { + $ipad{$e} = $1; + #print "'$1'\n"; + } + } + if (/^(voip[0-9]*)[\s\/].*(OK)/) { + $voip{$1} = $2; + #print "'$1' '$2' $voip{$1}\n"; + $e = $1; + if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { + $ipad{$e} = $1; + #print "'$1'\n"; + } + } +} + +close SIP; + +# print list of IP phones with connection status + +$unconnected = 0; +foreach $e (sort keys %ip) { + if ($sip{$e} eq "OK") { + $icon = "\"Connected\""; + $tooltip_status = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_connected')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_connected')\""; + $comment=$ipad{$e}; + $tooltip_ext = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\""; + $tooltip_ip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\""; + $unconnected = 0; + } + else { + $unconnected = $unconnected + 1; + $icon = "\"Not"; + $tooltip_status = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_notconnected')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'ipphones_notconnected')\""; + $comment="Available"; + $tooltip_id = "iphones_$e"; + print "
Configure your IP phone with username/password $e/$e, SIP Server IP $ipaddress
"; + $tooltip_ext = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'$tooltip_id')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'$tooltip_id')\""; + $tooltip_ip = ""; + } + + if ($more == 1 || ($unconnected < 5)) { + print "$e$comment$icon\n"; + } +} + +if ($more == 0) { + print 'More'; +} +else { + print 'Less'; +} + + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ce904b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 6 Jan 2010 +# Dashboard screen for Mini Asterisk GUI + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +more=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "more=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/more=//p"` +ipaddress=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) Bcast.*/\1/p'` + +# Construct the web page ------------------------------- + +cat < + + +EOF + +echo "" + +cat << EOF + +Mini Asterisk - IP Phones + +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < + +
+ + + +EOF +echo "" + + # use perl to construct list of IP phones for us + asterisk "-rx sip show peers" 2>/dev/null > sipshowpeers.txt + ./ $ipaddress $more + +cat < + +

How to Configure IP Phones


1. Atcom AT-530

+EOF +cat at-530.html +cat < + + +

IP Phones

Phone System IP Address:$ipaddress
+ + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ae903a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 +# CGI for Mini Asterisk login GUI + +pass=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/pass=//p"` + +echo $QUERY_STRING | grep pass > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + # Display form ------------------------------- + + cat < + + +EOF + cat << EOF + + Mini Asterisk - Login +
+ + + + + + + +


Default password is uClinux
+ +EOF +else + testuser root $pass + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + + # login sucessful + echo "Content-type: text/html" + echo "Set-Cookie: loggedin=1" + echo "" + echo "" + echo "Mini Asterisk - Login" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + echo "Please wait a few seconds....." + echo "" + + # load mini asterisk conf files in case this is our first login + + asterisk -rx "sip reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null + asterisk -rx "dialplan reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null + + else + # login failed + cat < + + Mini Asterisk - Login + + + Please wait a few seconds..... + + + +EOF + fi +fi + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4306c96 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 +# CGI for Mini Asterisk logout GUI + +cat <Mini Asterisk - Logout +Change your password, reset the default settings, upgrade software +
Connect the phone system to your network and the Internet
Lists your phones and phone lines
Set up your IP phones
Boring information like software version numbers
Frequently asked questions and links to further information
I think you can work this one out....
Set up your VOIP phone line
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


IP Phones
Phone System
+ diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/network.js b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/network.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..108bf01b --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/network.js @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +var script_path = "cgi-bin/"; + +function doStatic() { + $('ipaddress').disabled = 0; + $('netmask').disabled = 0; + $('gateway').disabled = 0; + $('dns').disabled = 0; +} + +function doDHCP() { + $('ipaddress').disabled = 1; + $('netmask').disabled = 1; + $('gateway').disabled = 1; + $('dns').disabled = 1; +} + +// + +function isIP(obj) { + var ary = obj.value.split("."); + var ip = true; + + for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { + ip = (!ary[i].match(/^\d{1,3}$/) || (Number(ary[i]) > 255)) ? false : ip; + } + + if (ip) + ip = (ary.length == 4); + + if (!ip) { + // the value is NOT a valid IP address + = "red"; +; + } + else { = ""; } // the value IS a valid IP address + + return ip; +} + +function localInit() { + + if (init_dhcp == "yes") { + $('dhcp').checked = true; + $('ipaddress').disabled = 1; + $('netmask').disabled = 1; + $('gateway').disabled = 1; + $('dns').disabled = 1; + } + else { + $('static').checked = true; + $('ipaddress').disabled = 0; + $('netmask').disabled = 0; + $('gateway').disabled = 0; + $('dns').disabled = 0; + } + $('ipaddress').value = init_ipaddress; + $('netmask').value = init_netmask; + $('gateway').value = init_gateway; + $('dns').value = init_dns; + $('backdoor').value = init_backdoor; + if (init_internet == "yes") + $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; + else + $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; + +} + +function validate_form(form) +{ + var valid = true; + + if ($('dhcp').checked == false) + valid = isIP(form.ipaddress) && isIP(form.ipaddress) && isIP(form.gateway) && isIP(form.dns); + + return valid; +} diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..268425ba --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 +# CGI for Mini Asterisk network GUI + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +grok_network=0 + +if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network ]; then + grok_network=1 + dhcp=yes + ipaddress=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) Bcast.*/\1/p'` + netmask=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*Mask:\(.*\)\s*/\1/p'` + gateway=`route -n | awk '/^ {print $2}'` + dns=`cat /etc/resolv.conf | awk '/^nameserver/ {print $2}'` +fi + +if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network-static ] +then + grok_network=1 + dhcp=no + ipaddress=`sed -n 's/IPADDRESS="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` + netmask=`sed -n 's/NETMASK="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` + gateway=`sed -n 's/GATEWAY="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` + dns=`sed -n 's/DNS="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-static` +fi + +# if we don't understand this machines network config then bail + +if [ $groknetwork -eq 0 ]; then +cat << EOF + +Mini Asterisk - Network +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < +
+ + + +


Sorry - I can't edit the Network configuration on this machine
+ + + + + + +EOF +fi + +if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S05network-backdoor ]; then + backdoor=`sed -n 's/IPADDRESS="\(.*\)"/\1/p' /etc/init.d/network-backdoor` +fi + +# See if we have Internet connectivity, first check dns as time outs can be very slow + +dns_packet_loss=`ping $dns -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` +internet="no"; +if [ $dns_packet_loss == "0" ]; then + packet_loss=`ping -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` + if [ $packet_loss == "0" ]; then + internet="yes"; + fi +fi + +# Construct the web page ------------------------------- + +cat < + + +EOF + +echo "" + +cat << EOF + +Mini Asterisk - Network + +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


IP Address:
Emergency IP:
Internet Connection:
+ + + + + + + + + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/phones.js b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/phones.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..74d6eaf1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/phones.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +function localInit() { + if (init_internet == "yes") + $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; + else + $('internet').innerHTML = 'tick'; +} + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56f3534c --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# +# David Rowe 5 Jan 2010 +# +# Text processing for the phones screen. + +$tool_tip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'network_internet')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'network_internet')\""; + +# Slurp up analog port (Zap) data from extensions.conf + +my %analog = (); # analog extension keyed on zap port + +open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; +while () { + if (/.*=>[ ]*([0-9]*),1.*Zap\/([0-9]*)\)/) { + $analog{$2} = $1; + #print "'$1' '$2' $analog{$2}\n"; + } +} +close EXT; + +# Slurp up data on installed zaptel ports from /etc/zaptel.conf + +my %zap = (); # zaptel port type keyed on zap port + # (fxs/fxo or no entry if not live) +open ZAP, "/etc/zaptel.conf"; +while () { + if (/fxoks=(.*)/) { + @fxs = split(/,/, $1); + foreach (@fxs) { + $zap{$_} = "fxs"; + } + } + if (/fxsks=(.*)/) { + @fxo = split(/,/, $1); + foreach (@fxo) { + $zap{$_} = "fxo"; + } + } +} +close ZAP; + +# Slurp up SIP extension (Sip) data from extensions.conf + +my %ip = (); # ip extension keyed on sip.conf name + +open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; +while () { + if (/.*=>[ ]*([0-9]*),1.*Sip\/([0-9]*)\)/) { + $ip{$2} = $1; + #print "'$1' '$2' $ip{$2}\n"; + } +} +close EXT; + +# Determine which extenions are "Reception", i.e. set to ring on incoming +# calls + +my %zap_ring = (); # ring flag keyed on Zap port (1,2...) +my %sip_ring = (); # ring flag keyed on sip.cong ext name (6011,6012 etc) + +open EXT, "/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf"; +while () { + if (/s,1,Dial\((.*)\) ;; mini/) { + @ring = split(/&/, $1); + #print "'$1' '@ring'\n foreach:\n"; + foreach (@ring) { + #print " $_\n"; + if (/Zap\/([0-9]*)/) { + $zap_ring{$1} = 1; + #print "'$_' $1 \n"; + } + if (/SIP\/([0-9]*)/) { + $sip_ring{$1} = 1; + #print "'$_' $1 \n"; + } + } + } +} +close EXT; + + +# work out which IP phones are registered ----------------------------------- + +my %sip = (); # SIP IP phone status keyed on sip.conf names (6011,6012 etc) + # if no entry we can't see IP phone device +my %ipad = (); # IP address of SIP device keyed on sip.conf names + +open SIP, "sipshowpeers.txt"; +while () { + if (/^([0-9]*)[\s\/].*(OK)/) { + $sip{$1} = $2; + #print "'$1' '$2' $sip{$1}\n"; + $e = $1; + if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { + $ipad{$e} = $1; + #print "'$1'\n"; + } + } + + if (/^(.*)\/.*(OK)/) { + #$sip{$1} = $2; + #print "'$1' '$2' $sip{$1}\n"; + $e = $1; + if (/\s([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\s/) { + $ipad{$e} = $1; + #print "'$1'\n"; + } + } +} + +close SIP; + +# Determine if Asterisk can see current voip line (SIP trunk) +# sipshowpeers.txt needs to be generated before calling this perl +# script + +my %voip = (); # SIP trunks status keyed on sip.conf stanza name/username + # if no entry we can't see SIP trunk + +open SIP, "sipshowregistry.txt"; +while () { + if (/^(.*):.*(Registered)/) { + $voip{$1} = $2; + #print "'$1' '$2' $voip{$1}\n"; + } +} + +close SIP; + +# start phones ringing form ------------------------------------------- + +print '
'; + +# print list of analog phones + +$tooltip_anphone = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_anphone')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_anphone')\""; +$tooltip_ext = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ext')\""; +$tooltip_port = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_phone')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_phone')\""; +$tooltip_reception = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\""; + +foreach $a (sort keys %analog) { + if ($zap{$a} eq "fxs") { + $icon = "\"Analog"; + print "$analog{$a}Analog PhonePort $a"; + if ($zap_ring{$a} == 1) { + $checked = "checked"; + } + else { + $checked = ""; + } + print "Reception$icon\n"; + } +} + +# print list of IP phones + +$tooltip_ipphone = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone')\""; +$tooltip_ipphone_ip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_ipphone_ip')\""; +$tooltip_reception = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_reception')\""; + +foreach $s (sort keys %sip) { + if ($sip{$s} eq "OK") { + $icon = "\"IP"; + print "$sIP Phone$ipad{$s}"; + if ($sip_ring{$s} == 1) { + $checked = "checked"; + } + else { + $checked = ""; + } + print "Reception$icon\n"; + } +} + +print ' '; +print ""; +print "Add IP Phone"; + +$tool_tip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_lines')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_lines')\""; + +print ' '; +print "

Phone Lines

+"; + +print "
"; + +# print list of analog phone lines + +$tooltip_phoneline = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_phoneline')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_phoneline')\""; +$tooltip_port = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_line')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_port_line')\""; +$tooltip_line_prefix = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_line_prefix')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_line_prefix')\""; + +foreach $a (sort keys %analog) { + if ($zap{$a} eq "fxo") { + $icon = "\"Phone"; + print "0Analog LinePort $a$icon\n"; + } +} + +# print list of SIP VOIP trunks + +$tooltip_voipline = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline')\""; +$tooltip_voipline_ip = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_ip')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_ip')\""; +$tooltip_voipline_prefix = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_prefix')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'phone_voipline_prefix')\""; + +foreach $s (sort keys %voip) { + if ($voip{$s} eq "Registered") { + $icon = "\"VOIP"; + print "1VOIP Line$ipad{$s}$icon\n"; + } +} + +print ' '; +print ""; +print "Set Up VOIP Line"; diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa302f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 +# Phones screen for Mini Asterisk GUI + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +# See if we have Internet connectivity, first check dns as time outs can be very slow + +dns=`cat /etc/resolv.conf | awk '/^nameserver/ {print $2}'` +dns_packet_loss=`ping $dns -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` +internet="no"; +if [ $dns_packet_loss == "0" ]; then + packet_loss=`ping -c 1 -q | sed -n 's/.*received, \(.*\)% packet loss/\1/p'` + if [ $packet_loss == "0" ]; then + internet="yes"; + fi +fi + +ipaddress=`ifconfig eth0 | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) Bcast.*/\1/p'` + +# Construct the web page ------------------------------- + +cat < + + +EOF + +echo "" + +cat << EOF + +Mini Asterisk - Phones + +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < + +
+ + + + + + + + + +EOF +echo "" +cat < + + + + +EOF + +# use perl to construct list of phones and phone lines for us +asterisk "-rx sip show peers" 2>/dev/null > sipshowpeers.txt +./ + +cat< + + + + + +

Phone System

Internet Connection:
Phone System IP Address:$ipaddress


+ + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/prototype.js b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/prototype.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e85338b --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/prototype.js @@ -0,0 +1,1781 @@ +/* Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.4.0 + * (c) 2005 Sam Stephenson + * + * Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. + * For details, see the Prototype web site: + * +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Prototype = { + Version: '1.4.0', + ScriptFragment: '(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)', + + emptyFunction: function() {}, + K: function(x) {return x} +} + +var Class = { + create: function() { + return function() { + this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); + } + } +} + +var Abstract = new Object(); + +Object.extend = function(destination, source) { + for (property in source) { + destination[property] = source[property]; + } + return destination; +} + +Object.inspect = function(object) { + try { + if (object == undefined) return 'undefined'; + if (object == null) return 'null'; + return object.inspect ? object.inspect() : object.toString(); + } catch (e) { + if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...'; + throw e; + } +} + +Function.prototype.bind = function() { + var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); + return function() { + return __method.apply(object, args.concat($A(arguments))); + } +} + +Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) { + var __method = this; + return function(event) { + return, event || window.event); + } +} + +Object.extend(Number.prototype, { + toColorPart: function() { + var digits = this.toString(16); + if (this < 16) return '0' + digits; + return digits; + }, + + succ: function() { + return this + 1; + }, + + times: function(iterator) { + $R(0, this, true).each(iterator); + return this; + } +}); + +var Try = { + these: function() { + var returnValue; + + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var lambda = arguments[i]; + try { + returnValue = lambda(); + break; + } catch (e) {} + } + + return returnValue; + } +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create(); +PeriodicalExecuter.prototype = { + initialize: function(callback, frequency) { + this.callback = callback; + this.frequency = frequency; + this.currentlyExecuting = false; + + this.registerCallback(); + }, + + registerCallback: function() { + setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000); + }, + + onTimerEvent: function() { + if (!this.currentlyExecuting) { + try { + this.currentlyExecuting = true; + this.callback(); + } finally { + this.currentlyExecuting = false; + } + } + } +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +function $() { + var elements = new Array(); + + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var element = arguments[i]; + if (typeof element == 'string') + element = document.getElementById(element); + + if (arguments.length == 1) + return element; + + elements.push(element); + } + + return elements; +} +Object.extend(String.prototype, { + stripTags: function() { + return this.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''); + }, + + stripScripts: function() { + return this.replace(new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'), ''); + }, + + extractScripts: function() { + var matchAll = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'); + var matchOne = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'im'); + return (this.match(matchAll) || []).map(function(scriptTag) { + return (scriptTag.match(matchOne) || ['', ''])[1]; + }); + }, + + evalScripts: function() { + return this.extractScripts().map(eval); + }, + + escapeHTML: function() { + var div = document.createElement('div'); + var text = document.createTextNode(this); + div.appendChild(text); + return div.innerHTML; + }, + + unescapeHTML: function() { + var div = document.createElement('div'); + div.innerHTML = this.stripTags(); + return div.childNodes[0] ? div.childNodes[0].nodeValue : ''; + }, + + toQueryParams: function() { + var pairs = this.match(/^\??(.*)$/)[1].split('&'); + return pairs.inject({}, function(params, pairString) { + var pair = pairString.split('='); + params[pair[0]] = pair[1]; + return params; + }); + }, + + toArray: function() { + return this.split(''); + }, + + camelize: function() { + var oStringList = this.split('-'); + if (oStringList.length == 1) return oStringList[0]; + + var camelizedString = this.indexOf('-') == 0 + ? oStringList[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + oStringList[0].substring(1) + : oStringList[0]; + + for (var i = 1, len = oStringList.length; i < len; i++) { + var s = oStringList[i]; + camelizedString += s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1); + } + + return camelizedString; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return "'" + this.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", '\\\'') + "'"; + } +}); + +String.prototype.parseQuery = String.prototype.toQueryParams; + +var $break = new Object(); +var $continue = new Object(); + +var Enumerable = { + each: function(iterator) { + var index = 0; + try { + this._each(function(value) { + try { + iterator(value, index++); + } catch (e) { + if (e != $continue) throw e; + } + }); + } catch (e) { + if (e != $break) throw e; + } + }, + + all: function(iterator) { + var result = true; + this.each(function(value, index) { + result = result && !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); + if (!result) throw $break; + }); + return result; + }, + + any: function(iterator) { + var result = true; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (result = !!(iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index)) + throw $break; + }); + return result; + }, + + collect: function(iterator) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + results.push(iterator(value, index)); + }); + return results; + }, + + detect: function (iterator) { + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (iterator(value, index)) { + result = value; + throw $break; + } + }); + return result; + }, + + findAll: function(iterator) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (iterator(value, index)) + results.push(value); + }); + return results; + }, + + grep: function(pattern, iterator) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + var stringValue = value.toString(); + if (stringValue.match(pattern)) + results.push((iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index)); + }) + return results; + }, + + include: function(object) { + var found = false; + this.each(function(value) { + if (value == object) { + found = true; + throw $break; + } + }); + return found; + }, + + inject: function(memo, iterator) { + this.each(function(value, index) { + memo = iterator(memo, value, index); + }); + return memo; + }, + + invoke: function(method) { + var args = $A(arguments).slice(1); + return this.collect(function(value) { + return value[method].apply(value, args); + }); + }, + + max: function(iterator) { + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + value = (iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); + if (value >= (result || value)) + result = value; + }); + return result; + }, + + min: function(iterator) { + var result; + this.each(function(value, index) { + value = (iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index); + if (value <= (result || value)) + result = value; + }); + return result; + }, + + partition: function(iterator) { + var trues = [], falses = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + ((iterator || Prototype.K)(value, index) ? + trues : falses).push(value); + }); + return [trues, falses]; + }, + + pluck: function(property) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + results.push(value[property]); + }); + return results; + }, + + reject: function(iterator) { + var results = []; + this.each(function(value, index) { + if (!iterator(value, index)) + results.push(value); + }); + return results; + }, + + sortBy: function(iterator) { + return this.collect(function(value, index) { + return {value: value, criteria: iterator(value, index)}; + }).sort(function(left, right) { + var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria; + return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; + }).pluck('value'); + }, + + toArray: function() { + return this.collect(Prototype.K); + }, + + zip: function() { + var iterator = Prototype.K, args = $A(arguments); + if (typeof args.last() == 'function') + iterator = args.pop(); + + var collections = [this].concat(args).map($A); + return, index) { + iterator(value = collections.pluck(index)); + return value; + }); + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '#'; + } +} + +Object.extend(Enumerable, { + map: Enumerable.collect, + find: Enumerable.detect, + select: Enumerable.findAll, + member: Enumerable.include, + entries: Enumerable.toArray +}); +var $A = Array.from = function(iterable) { + if (!iterable) return []; + if (iterable.toArray) { + return iterable.toArray(); + } else { + var results = []; + for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) + results.push(iterable[i]); + return results; + } +} + +Object.extend(Array.prototype, Enumerable); + +Array.prototype._reverse = Array.prototype.reverse; + +Object.extend(Array.prototype, { + _each: function(iterator) { + for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) + iterator(this[i]); + }, + + clear: function() { + this.length = 0; + return this; + }, + + first: function() { + return this[0]; + }, + + last: function() { + return this[this.length - 1]; + }, + + compact: function() { + return { + return value != undefined || value != null; + }); + }, + + flatten: function() { + return this.inject([], function(array, value) { + return array.concat(value.constructor == Array ? + value.flatten() : [value]); + }); + }, + + without: function() { + var values = $A(arguments); + return { + return !values.include(value); + }); + }, + + indexOf: function(object) { + for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) + if (this[i] == object) return i; + return -1; + }, + + reverse: function(inline) { + return (inline !== false ? this : this.toArray())._reverse(); + }, + + shift: function() { + var result = this[0]; + for (var i = 0; i < this.length - 1; i++) + this[i] = this[i + 1]; + this.length--; + return result; + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '[' +', ') + ']'; + } +}); +var Hash = { + _each: function(iterator) { + for (key in this) { + var value = this[key]; + if (typeof value == 'function') continue; + + var pair = [key, value]; + pair.key = key; + pair.value = value; + iterator(pair); + } + }, + + keys: function() { + return this.pluck('key'); + }, + + values: function() { + return this.pluck('value'); + }, + + merge: function(hash) { + return $H(hash).inject($H(this), function(mergedHash, pair) { + mergedHash[pair.key] = pair.value; + return mergedHash; + }); + }, + + toQueryString: function() { + return { + return'='); + }).join('&'); + }, + + inspect: function() { + return '#'; + } +} + +function $H(object) { + var hash = Object.extend({}, object || {}); + Object.extend(hash, Enumerable); + Object.extend(hash, Hash); + return hash; +} +ObjectRange = Class.create(); +Object.extend(ObjectRange.prototype, Enumerable); +Object.extend(ObjectRange.prototype, { + initialize: function(start, end, exclusive) { + this.start = start; + this.end = end; + this.exclusive = exclusive; + }, + + _each: function(iterator) { + var value = this.start; + do { + iterator(value); + value = value.succ(); + } while (this.include(value)); + }, + + include: function(value) { + if (value < this.start) + return false; + if (this.exclusive) + return value < this.end; + return value <= this.end; + } +}); + +var $R = function(start, end, exclusive) { + return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive); +} + +var Ajax = { + getTransport: function() { + return Try.these( + function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}, + function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}, + function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()} + ) || false; + }, + + activeRequestCount: 0 +} + +Ajax.Responders = { + responders: [], + + _each: function(iterator) { + this.responders._each(iterator); + }, + + register: function(responderToAdd) { + if (!this.include(responderToAdd)) + this.responders.push(responderToAdd); + }, + + unregister: function(responderToRemove) { + this.responders = this.responders.without(responderToRemove); + }, + + dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) { + this.each(function(responder) { + if (responder[callback] && typeof responder[callback] == 'function') { + try { + responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport, json]); + } catch (e) {} + } + }); + } +}; + +Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable); + +Ajax.Responders.register({ + onCreate: function() { + Ajax.activeRequestCount++; + }, + + onComplete: function() { + Ajax.activeRequestCount--; + } +}); + +Ajax.Base = function() {}; +Ajax.Base.prototype = { + setOptions: function(options) { + this.options = { + method: 'post', + asynchronous: true, + parameters: '' + } + Object.extend(this.options, options || {}); + }, + + responseIsSuccess: function() { + return this.transport.status == undefined + || this.transport.status == 0 + || (this.transport.status >= 200 && this.transport.status < 300); + }, + + responseIsFailure: function() { + return !this.responseIsSuccess(); + } +} + +Ajax.Request = Class.create(); +Ajax.Request.Events = + ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete']; + +Ajax.Request.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), { + initialize: function(url, options) { + this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); + this.setOptions(options); + this.request(url); + }, + + request: function(url) { + var parameters = this.options.parameters || ''; + if (parameters.length > 0) parameters += '&_='; + + try { + this.url = url; + if (this.options.method == 'get' && parameters.length > 0) + this.url += (this.url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?') + parameters; + + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, this.transport); + +, this.url, + this.options.asynchronous); + + if (this.options.asynchronous) { + this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this); + setTimeout((function() {this.respondToReadyState(1)}).bind(this), 10); + } + + this.setRequestHeaders(); + + var body = this.options.postBody ? this.options.postBody : parameters; + this.transport.send(this.options.method == 'post' ? body : null); + + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + setRequestHeaders: function() { + var requestHeaders = + ['X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest', + 'X-Prototype-Version', Prototype.Version]; + + if (this.options.method == 'post') { + requestHeaders.push('Content-type', + 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); + + /* Force "Connection: close" for Mozilla browsers to work around + * a bug where XMLHttpReqeuest sends an incorrect Content-length + * header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651. + */ + if (this.transport.overrideMimeType) + requestHeaders.push('Connection', 'close'); + } + + if (this.options.requestHeaders) + requestHeaders.push.apply(requestHeaders, this.options.requestHeaders); + + for (var i = 0; i < requestHeaders.length; i += 2) + this.transport.setRequestHeader(requestHeaders[i], requestHeaders[i+1]); + }, + + onStateChange: function() { + var readyState = this.transport.readyState; + if (readyState != 1) + this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState); + }, + + header: function(name) { + try { + return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name); + } catch (e) {} + }, + + evalJSON: function() { + try { + return eval(this.header('X-JSON')); + } catch (e) {} + }, + + evalResponse: function() { + try { + return eval(this.transport.responseText); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + }, + + respondToReadyState: function(readyState) { + var event = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState]; + var transport = this.transport, json = this.evalJSON(); + + if (event == 'Complete') { + try { + (this.options['on' + this.transport.status] + || this.options['on' + (this.responseIsSuccess() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')] + || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + + if ((this.header('Content-type') || '').match(/^text\/javascript/i)) + this.evalResponse(); + } + + try { + (this.options['on' + event] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(transport, json); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + event, this, transport, json); + } catch (e) { + this.dispatchException(e); + } + + /* Avoid memory leak in MSIE: clean up the oncomplete event handler */ + if (event == 'Complete') + this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction; + }, + + dispatchException: function(exception) { + (this.options.onException || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, exception); + Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception); + } +}); + +Ajax.Updater = Class.create(); + +Object.extend(Object.extend(Ajax.Updater.prototype, Ajax.Request.prototype), { + initialize: function(container, url, options) { + this.containers = { + success: container.success ? $(container.success) : $(container), + failure: container.failure ? $(container.failure) : + (container.success ? null : $(container)) + } + + this.transport = Ajax.getTransport(); + this.setOptions(options); + + var onComplete = this.options.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction; + this.options.onComplete = (function(transport, object) { + this.updateContent(); + onComplete(transport, object); + }).bind(this); + + this.request(url); + }, + + updateContent: function() { + var receiver = this.responseIsSuccess() ? + this.containers.success : this.containers.failure; + var response = this.transport.responseText; + + if (!this.options.evalScripts) + response = response.stripScripts(); + + if (receiver) { + if (this.options.insertion) { + new this.options.insertion(receiver, response); + } else { + Element.update(receiver, response); + } + } + + if (this.responseIsSuccess()) { + if (this.onComplete) + setTimeout(this.onComplete.bind(this), 10); + } + } +}); + +Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create(); +Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater.prototype = Object.extend(new Ajax.Base(), { + initialize: function(container, url, options) { + this.setOptions(options); + this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete; + + this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2); + this.decay = (this.options.decay || 1); + + this.updater = {}; + this.container = container; + this.url = url; + + this.start(); + }, + + start: function() { + this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this); + this.onTimerEvent(); + }, + + stop: function() { + this.updater.onComplete = undefined; + clearTimeout(this.timer); + (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments); + }, + + updateComplete: function(request) { + if (this.options.decay) { + this.decay = (request.responseText == this.lastText ? + this.decay * this.options.decay : 1); + + this.lastText = request.responseText; + } + this.timer = setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), + this.decay * this.frequency * 1000); + }, + + onTimerEvent: function() { + this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options); + } +}); +document.getElementsByClassName = function(className, parentElement) { + var children = ($(parentElement) || document.body).getElementsByTagName('*'); + return $A(children).inject([], function(elements, child) { + if (child.className.match(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"))) + elements.push(child); + return elements; + }); +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +if (!window.Element) { + var Element = new Object(); +} + +Object.extend(Element, { + visible: function(element) { + return $(element).style.display != 'none'; + }, + + toggle: function() { + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var element = $(arguments[i]); + Element[Element.visible(element) ? 'hide' : 'show'](element); + } + }, + + hide: function() { + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var element = $(arguments[i]); + = 'none'; + } + }, + + show: function() { + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var element = $(arguments[i]); + = ''; + } + }, + + remove: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.parentNode.removeChild(element); + }, + + update: function(element, html) { + $(element).innerHTML = html.stripScripts(); + setTimeout(function() {html.evalScripts()}, 10); + }, + + getHeight: function(element) { + element = $(element); + return element.offsetHeight; + }, + + classNames: function(element) { + return new Element.ClassNames(element); + }, + + hasClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + return Element.classNames(element).include(className); + }, + + addClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + return Element.classNames(element).add(className); + }, + + removeClassName: function(element, className) { + if (!(element = $(element))) return; + return Element.classNames(element).remove(className); + }, + + // removes whitespace-only text node children + cleanWhitespace: function(element) { + element = $(element); + for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { + var node = element.childNodes[i]; + if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) + Element.remove(node); + } + }, + + empty: function(element) { + return $(element).innerHTML.match(/^\s*$/); + }, + + scrollTo: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var x = element.x ? element.x : element.offsetLeft, + y = element.y ? element.y : element.offsetTop; + window.scrollTo(x, y); + }, + + getStyle: function(element, style) { + element = $(element); + var value =[style.camelize()]; + if (!value) { + if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { + var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); + value = css ? css.getPropertyValue(style) : null; + } else if (element.currentStyle) { + value = element.currentStyle[style.camelize()]; + } + } + + if (window.opera && ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'].include(style)) + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'static') value = 'auto'; + + return value == 'auto' ? null : value; + }, + + setStyle: function(element, style) { + element = $(element); + for (name in style) +[name.camelize()] = style[name]; + }, + + getDimensions: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'display') != 'none') + return {width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight}; + + // All *Width and *Height properties give 0 on elements with display none, + // so enable the element temporarily + var els =; + var originalVisibility = els.visibility; + var originalPosition = els.position; + els.visibility = 'hidden'; + els.position = 'absolute'; + els.display = ''; + var originalWidth = element.clientWidth; + var originalHeight = element.clientHeight; + els.display = 'none'; + els.position = originalPosition; + els.visibility = originalVisibility; + return {width: originalWidth, height: originalHeight}; + }, + + makePositioned: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var pos = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); + if (pos == 'static' || !pos) { + element._madePositioned = true; + = 'relative'; + // Opera returns the offset relative to the positioning context, when an + // element is position relative but top and left have not been defined + if (window.opera) { + = 0; + = 0; + } + } + }, + + undoPositioned: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element._madePositioned) { + element._madePositioned = undefined; + = + = + = + = + = ''; + } + }, + + makeClipping: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element._overflow) return; + element._overflow =; + if ((Element.getStyle(element, 'overflow') || 'visible') != 'hidden') + = 'hidden'; + }, + + undoClipping: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if (element._overflow) return; + = element._overflow; + element._overflow = undefined; + } +}); + +var Toggle = new Object(); +Toggle.display = Element.toggle; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Abstract.Insertion = function(adjacency) { + this.adjacency = adjacency; +} + +Abstract.Insertion.prototype = { + initialize: function(element, content) { + this.element = $(element); + this.content = content.stripScripts(); + + if (this.adjacency && this.element.insertAdjacentHTML) { + try { + this.element.insertAdjacentHTML(this.adjacency, this.content); + } catch (e) { + if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tbody') { + this.insertContent(this.contentFromAnonymousTable()); + } else { + throw e; + } + } + } else { + this.range = this.element.ownerDocument.createRange(); + if (this.initializeRange) this.initializeRange(); + this.insertContent([this.range.createContextualFragment(this.content)]); + } + + setTimeout(function() {content.evalScripts()}, 10); + }, + + contentFromAnonymousTable: function() { + var div = document.createElement('div'); + div.innerHTML = '' + this.content + '
'; + return $A(div.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes); + } +} + +var Insertion = new Object(); + +Insertion.Before = Class.create(); +Insertion.Before.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('beforeBegin'), { + initializeRange: function() { + this.range.setStartBefore(this.element); + }, + + insertContent: function(fragments) { + fragments.each((function(fragment) { + this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, this.element); + }).bind(this)); + } +}); + +Insertion.Top = Class.create(); +Insertion.Top.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('afterBegin'), { + initializeRange: function() { + this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element); + this.range.collapse(true); + }, + + insertContent: function(fragments) { + fragments.reverse(false).each((function(fragment) { + this.element.insertBefore(fragment, this.element.firstChild); + }).bind(this)); + } +}); + +Insertion.Bottom = Class.create(); +Insertion.Bottom.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('beforeEnd'), { + initializeRange: function() { + this.range.selectNodeContents(this.element); + this.range.collapse(this.element); + }, + + insertContent: function(fragments) { + fragments.each((function(fragment) { + this.element.appendChild(fragment); + }).bind(this)); + } +}); + +Insertion.After = Class.create(); +Insertion.After.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.Insertion('afterEnd'), { + initializeRange: function() { + this.range.setStartAfter(this.element); + }, + + insertContent: function(fragments) { + fragments.each((function(fragment) { + this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, + this.element.nextSibling); + }).bind(this)); + } +}); + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Element.ClassNames = Class.create(); +Element.ClassNames.prototype = { + initialize: function(element) { + this.element = $(element); + }, + + _each: function(iterator) { + this.element.className.split(/\s+/).select(function(name) { + return name.length > 0; + })._each(iterator); + }, + + set: function(className) { + this.element.className = className; + }, + + add: function(classNameToAdd) { + if (this.include(classNameToAdd)) return; + this.set(this.toArray().concat(classNameToAdd).join(' ')); + }, + + remove: function(classNameToRemove) { + if (!this.include(classNameToRemove)) return; + this.set( { + return className != classNameToRemove; + }).join(' ')); + }, + + toString: function() { + return this.toArray().join(' '); + } +} + +Object.extend(Element.ClassNames.prototype, Enumerable); +var Field = { + clear: function() { + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) + $(arguments[i]).value = ''; + }, + + focus: function(element) { + $(element).focus(); + }, + + present: function() { + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) + if ($(arguments[i]).value == '') return false; + return true; + }, + + select: function(element) { + $(element).select(); + }, + + activate: function(element) { + element = $(element); + element.focus(); + if ( +; + } +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var Form = { + serialize: function(form) { + var elements = Form.getElements($(form)); + var queryComponents = new Array(); + + for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { + var queryComponent = Form.Element.serialize(elements[i]); + if (queryComponent) + queryComponents.push(queryComponent); + } + + return queryComponents.join('&'); + }, + + getElements: function(form) { + form = $(form); + var elements = new Array(); + + for (tagName in Form.Element.Serializers) { + var tagElements = form.getElementsByTagName(tagName); + for (var j = 0; j < tagElements.length; j++) + elements.push(tagElements[j]); + } + return elements; + }, + + getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) { + form = $(form); + var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); + + if (!typeName && !name) + return inputs; + + var matchingInputs = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { + var input = inputs[i]; + if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) || + (name && != name)) + continue; + matchingInputs.push(input); + } + + return matchingInputs; + }, + + disable: function(form) { + var elements = Form.getElements(form); + for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { + var element = elements[i]; + element.blur(); + element.disabled = 'true'; + } + }, + + enable: function(form) { + var elements = Form.getElements(form); + for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { + var element = elements[i]; + element.disabled = ''; + } + }, + + findFirstElement: function(form) { + return Form.getElements(form).find(function(element) { + return element.type != 'hidden' && !element.disabled && + ['input', 'select', 'textarea'].include(element.tagName.toLowerCase()); + }); + }, + + focusFirstElement: function(form) { + Field.activate(Form.findFirstElement(form)); + }, + + reset: function(form) { + $(form).reset(); + } +} + +Form.Element = { + serialize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element); + + if (parameter) { + var key = encodeURIComponent(parameter[0]); + if (key.length == 0) return; + + if (parameter[1].constructor != Array) + parameter[1] = [parameter[1]]; + + return parameter[1].map(function(value) { + return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); + }).join('&'); + } + }, + + getValue: function(element) { + element = $(element); + var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); + var parameter = Form.Element.Serializers[method](element); + + if (parameter) + return parameter[1]; + } +} + +Form.Element.Serializers = { + input: function(element) { + switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { + case 'submit': + case 'hidden': + case 'password': + case 'text': + return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element); + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element); + } + return false; + }, + + inputSelector: function(element) { + if (element.checked) + return [, element.value]; + }, + + textarea: function(element) { + return [, element.value]; + }, + + select: function(element) { + return Form.Element.Serializers[element.type == 'select-one' ? + 'selectOne' : 'selectMany'](element); + }, + + selectOne: function(element) { + var value = '', opt, index = element.selectedIndex; + if (index >= 0) { + opt = element.options[index]; + value = opt.value; + if (!value && !('value' in opt)) + value = opt.text; + } + return [, value]; + }, + + selectMany: function(element) { + var value = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { + var opt = element.options[i]; + if (opt.selected) { + var optValue = opt.value; + if (!optValue && !('value' in opt)) + optValue = opt.text; + value.push(optValue); + } + } + return [, value]; + } +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +var $F = Form.Element.getValue; + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Abstract.TimedObserver = function() {} +Abstract.TimedObserver.prototype = { + initialize: function(element, frequency, callback) { + this.frequency = frequency; + this.element = $(element); + this.callback = callback; + + this.lastValue = this.getValue(); + this.registerCallback(); + }, + + registerCallback: function() { + setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000); + }, + + onTimerEvent: function() { + var value = this.getValue(); + if (this.lastValue != value) { + this.callback(this.element, value); + this.lastValue = value; + } + } +} + +Form.Element.Observer = Class.create(); +Form.Element.Observer.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.TimedObserver(), { + getValue: function() { + return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); + } +}); + +Form.Observer = Class.create(); +Form.Observer.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.TimedObserver(), { + getValue: function() { + return Form.serialize(this.element); + } +}); + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +Abstract.EventObserver = function() {} +Abstract.EventObserver.prototype = { + initialize: function(element, callback) { + this.element = $(element); + this.callback = callback; + + this.lastValue = this.getValue(); + if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') + this.registerFormCallbacks(); + else + this.registerCallback(this.element); + }, + + onElementEvent: function() { + var value = this.getValue(); + if (this.lastValue != value) { + this.callback(this.element, value); + this.lastValue = value; + } + }, + + registerFormCallbacks: function() { + var elements = Form.getElements(this.element); + for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) + this.registerCallback(elements[i]); + }, + + registerCallback: function(element) { + if (element.type) { + switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) { + case 'checkbox': + case 'radio': + Event.observe(element, 'click', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); + break; + case 'password': + case 'text': + case 'textarea': + case 'select-one': + case 'select-multiple': + Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this)); + break; + } + } + } +} + +Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create(); +Form.Element.EventObserver.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.EventObserver(), { + getValue: function() { + return Form.Element.getValue(this.element); + } +}); + +Form.EventObserver = Class.create(); +Form.EventObserver.prototype = Object.extend(new Abstract.EventObserver(), { + getValue: function() { + return Form.serialize(this.element); + } +}); +if (!window.Event) { + var Event = new Object(); +} + +Object.extend(Event, { + KEY_BACKSPACE: 8, + KEY_TAB: 9, + KEY_RETURN: 13, + KEY_ESC: 27, + KEY_LEFT: 37, + KEY_UP: 38, + KEY_RIGHT: 39, + KEY_DOWN: 40, + KEY_DELETE: 46, + + element: function(event) { + return || event.srcElement; + }, + + isLeftClick: function(event) { + return (((event.which) && (event.which == 1)) || + ((event.button) && (event.button == 1))); + }, + + pointerX: function(event) { + return event.pageX || (event.clientX + + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft)); + }, + + pointerY: function(event) { + return event.pageY || (event.clientY + + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop)); + }, + + stop: function(event) { + if (event.preventDefault) { + event.preventDefault(); + event.stopPropagation(); + } else { + event.returnValue = false; + event.cancelBubble = true; + } + }, + + // find the first node with the given tagName, starting from the + // node the event was triggered on; traverses the DOM upwards + findElement: function(event, tagName) { + var element = Event.element(event); + while (element.parentNode && (!element.tagName || + (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != tagName.toUpperCase()))) + element = element.parentNode; + return element; + }, + + observers: false, + + _observeAndCache: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) { + if (!this.observers) this.observers = []; + if (element.addEventListener) { + this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]); + element.addEventListener(name, observer, useCapture); + } else if (element.attachEvent) { + this.observers.push([element, name, observer, useCapture]); + element.attachEvent('on' + name, observer); + } + }, + + unloadCache: function() { + if (!Event.observers) return; + for (var i = 0; i < Event.observers.length; i++) { + Event.stopObserving.apply(this, Event.observers[i]); + Event.observers[i][0] = null; + } + Event.observers = false; + }, + + observe: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) { + var element = $(element); + useCapture = useCapture || false; + + if (name == 'keypress' && + (navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/) + || element.attachEvent)) + name = 'keydown'; + + this._observeAndCache(element, name, observer, useCapture); + }, + + stopObserving: function(element, name, observer, useCapture) { + var element = $(element); + useCapture = useCapture || false; + + if (name == 'keypress' && + (navigator.appVersion.match(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/) + || element.detachEvent)) + name = 'keydown'; + + if (element.removeEventListener) { + element.removeEventListener(name, observer, useCapture); + } else if (element.detachEvent) { + element.detachEvent('on' + name, observer); + } + } +}); + +/* prevent memory leaks in IE */ +Event.observe(window, 'unload', Event.unloadCache, false); +var Position = { + // set to true if needed, warning: firefox performance problems + // NOT neeeded for page scrolling, only if draggable contained in + // scrollable elements + includeScrollOffsets: false, + + // must be called before calling withinIncludingScrolloffset, every time the + // page is scrolled + prepare: function() { + this.deltaX = window.pageXOffset + || document.documentElement.scrollLeft + || document.body.scrollLeft + || 0; + this.deltaY = window.pageYOffset + || document.documentElement.scrollTop + || document.body.scrollTop + || 0; + }, + + realOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.scrollTop || 0; + valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0; + element = element.parentNode; + } while (element); + return [valueL, valueT]; + }, + + cumulativeOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + element = element.offsetParent; + } while (element); + return [valueL, valueT]; + }, + + positionedOffset: function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + element = element.offsetParent; + if (element) { + p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position'); + if (p == 'relative' || p == 'absolute') break; + } + } while (element); + return [valueL, valueT]; + }, + + offsetParent: function(element) { + if (element.offsetParent) return element.offsetParent; + if (element == document.body) return element; + + while ((element = element.parentNode) && element != document.body) + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') != 'static') + return element; + + return document.body; + }, + + // caches x/y coordinate pair to use with overlap + within: function(element, x, y) { + if (this.includeScrollOffsets) + return this.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(element, x, y); + this.xcomp = x; + this.ycomp = y; + this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element); + + return (y >= this.offset[1] && + y < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight && + x >= this.offset[0] && + x < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth); + }, + + withinIncludingScrolloffsets: function(element, x, y) { + var offsetcache = this.realOffset(element); + + this.xcomp = x + offsetcache[0] - this.deltaX; + this.ycomp = y + offsetcache[1] - this.deltaY; + this.offset = this.cumulativeOffset(element); + + return (this.ycomp >= this.offset[1] && + this.ycomp < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight && + this.xcomp >= this.offset[0] && + this.xcomp < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth); + }, + + // within must be called directly before + overlap: function(mode, element) { + if (!mode) return 0; + if (mode == 'vertical') + return ((this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight) - this.ycomp) / + element.offsetHeight; + if (mode == 'horizontal') + return ((this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth) - this.xcomp) / + element.offsetWidth; + }, + + clone: function(source, target) { + source = $(source); + target = $(target); + = 'absolute'; + var offsets = this.cumulativeOffset(source); + = offsets[1] + 'px'; + = offsets[0] + 'px'; + = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; + = source.offsetHeight + 'px'; + }, + + page: function(forElement) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + + var element = forElement; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + + // Safari fix + if (element.offsetParent==document.body) + if (Element.getStyle(element,'position')=='absolute') break; + + } while (element = element.offsetParent); + + element = forElement; + do { + valueT -= element.scrollTop || 0; + valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0; + } while (element = element.parentNode); + + return [valueL, valueT]; + }, + + clone: function(source, target) { + var options = Object.extend({ + setLeft: true, + setTop: true, + setWidth: true, + setHeight: true, + offsetTop: 0, + offsetLeft: 0 + }, arguments[2] || {}) + + // find page position of source + source = $(source); + var p =; + + // find coordinate system to use + target = $(target); + var delta = [0, 0]; + var parent = null; + // delta [0,0] will do fine with position: fixed elements, + // position:absolute needs offsetParent deltas + if (Element.getStyle(target,'position') == 'absolute') { + parent = Position.offsetParent(target); + delta =; + } + + // correct by body offsets (fixes Safari) + if (parent == document.body) { + delta[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft; + delta[1] -= document.body.offsetTop; + } + + // set position + if(options.setLeft) = (p[0] - delta[0] + options.offsetLeft) + 'px'; + if(options.setTop) = (p[1] - delta[1] + options.offsetTop) + 'px'; + if(options.setWidth) = source.offsetWidth + 'px'; + if(options.setHeight) = source.offsetHeight + 'px'; + }, + + absolutize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if ( == 'absolute') return; + Position.prepare(); + + var offsets = Position.positionedOffset(element); + var top = offsets[1]; + var left = offsets[0]; + var width = element.clientWidth; + var height = element.clientHeight; + + element._originalLeft = left - parseFloat( || 0); + element._originalTop = top - parseFloat( || 0); + element._originalWidth =; + element._originalHeight =; + + = 'absolute'; + = top + 'px';; + = left + 'px';; + = width + 'px';; + = height + 'px';; + }, + + relativize: function(element) { + element = $(element); + if ( == 'relative') return; + Position.prepare(); + + = 'relative'; + var top = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalTop || 0); + var left = parseFloat( || 0) - (element._originalLeft || 0); + + = top + 'px'; + = left + 'px'; + = element._originalHeight; + = element._originalWidth; + } +} + +// Safari returns margins on body which is incorrect if the child is absolutely +// positioned. For performance reasons, redefine Position.cumulativeOffset for +// KHTML/WebKit only. +if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { + Position.cumulativeOffset = function(element) { + var valueT = 0, valueL = 0; + do { + valueT += element.offsetTop || 0; + valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0; + if (element.offsetParent == document.body) + if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break; + + element = element.offsetParent; + } while (element); + + return [valueL, valueT]; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f65bf67 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# +# CGI to set network parameters of an IP0X. + +cat < + + + +Please wait a few seconds..... + + + +EOF + +dhcp=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "dhcp=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/dhcp=//p"` +ipaddress=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "ipaddress=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/ipaddress=//p"` +netmask=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "netmask=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/netmask=//p"` +gateway=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "gateway=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/gateway=//p"` +dns=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "dns=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/dns=//p"` +backdoor=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "backdoor=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/backdoor=//p"` + +if [ $dhcp == "yes" ]; then + + # DHCP + + if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network-static ]; then + /etc/init.d/network-static disable + /etc/init.d/network-static stop + /etc/init.d/network enable + /etc/init.d/network start + else + # if already running restart service + /etc/init.d/network stop + /etc/init.d/network start + fi +fi + +if [ $dhcp == "no" ]; then + + # Static IP + + if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S10network ]; then + /etc/init.d/network stop + /etc/init.d/network disable + /etc/init.d/network-static enable + fi + + sed -i "s/DHCPD=.*/DHCPD=no/g" /etc/init.d/network-static + sed -i "s/IPADDRESS=.*/IPADDRESS=\"$ipaddress\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static + sed -i "s/NETMASK=.*/NETMASK=\"$netmask\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static + sed -i "s/GATEWAY=.*/GATEWAY=\"$gateway\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static + sed -i "s/DNS=.*/DNS=\"$dns\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-static + /etc/init.d/network-static stop + /etc/init.d/network-static start +fi + +if [ -f /etc/rc.d/S05network-backdoor ]; then + sed -i "s/IPADDRESS=.*/IPADDRESS=\"$backdoor\"/g" /etc/init.d/network-backdoor + /etc/init.d/network-backdoor stop + /etc/init.d/network-backdoor start +fi diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d9f2bd84 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#!/bin/sh -x +# +# David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 +# CGI to set which extensions ring on uncoming calls + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +# extract extensions to ring and reload extensions.conf + +a=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n "s/=on*//pg" | sed -n 's,_,/,pg'` + +# escape & if present +echo "$a" | grep "&" >> /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + a=`echo $a | sed -n "s/&/\\\\&/pg"` +fi + +sed -i "s_s,1,Dial(.*) ;; mini-asterisk_s,1,Dial($a) ;; mini-asterisk_" /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf +asterisk -rx "dialplan reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null + +# bounce us back to Phones screen + +cat < + +Mini Asterisk - Set Ring + + +Please wait a few seconds..... +EOF +#echo $QUERY_STRING "
" +#echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n "s/=on*//pg" | sed -n 's,_,/,pg' +#echo "
" +#echo $a + +cat < + + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2cee2e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# +# David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 +# +# Replaces fields in sip.conf, outputs new sip.conf contents to stdout + +$user = $ARGV[0]; +$pass = $ARGV[1]; +$host = $ARGV[2]; +$stanza_new = $ARGV[3]; + +# We need to slurp up the mini asterisk provider and spit them +# back out. All must be commented out except for the one that +# is selected. Hopefully non-mini asterisk content of sip.conf +# won't be affected. + +open SIP, "/etc/asterisk/sip.conf"; +$provider = ""; +while () { + + # start of any new stanza switches off parsing. It may get + # switched back on below if it contains mini-asterisk + # keyword. This allows non-mini asterisk SIP stanzas to be + # included in sip.conf + + if (/\[/) { + $stanza = ""; + } + + # look for commented or uncommented mini asterisk provider stanza + + if (/\[(.*)\] .* mini-asterisk/) { + $stanza = $1; + } + + if ($stanza eq "") { + # we are not in an mini-asterisk provider stanza + + if (/;*register => (\S*)@(\S*).*;.*(mini-asterisk.*)/) { + # an mini-asterisk register line + + #print "XX stanza_new='$stanza_new' '$1' '$2' '$3'\n"; + + if ($2 eq $stanza_new) { + print "register => $user\@$stanza_new; $3\n"; + } + else { + print ";register => $1\@$2 ; $3\n"; + } + } + else { + # OK so this is a regular sip.conf line, just echo to stdout + print $_; + } + } + else { + # OK, we are in an mini-asterisk stanza + + # strip off any leading ";" + + $_ =~ s/^\;//; + + if ($stanza eq $stanza_new) { + + # this stanza should be uncommented + + if (/^user=/) { + print "user=$user\n"; + } + if (/^username=/) { + print "username=$user\n"; + } + elsif (/^fromuser=/) { + print "fromuser=$user\n"; + } + elsif (/^secret=/) { + print "secret=$pass\n"; + } + elsif (/^host=/) { + print "host=$host\n"; + } + else { + print $_; + } + } + else { + # comment out unused mini-asterisk stanzas + print ";$_"; + } + } + +} +close SIP; + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3039a260 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# # David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 +# +# CGI to set voip line parameters in sip.conf. + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +user=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "user=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/user=//p"` +pass=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "pass=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/pass=//p"` +host=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "host=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/host=//p"` +stanza=`echo "$QUERY_STRING" | grep -oe "stanza=[^&?]*" | sed -n "s/stanza=//p"` + +# create new sip.conf with selected provider uncommented + +echo "" $user $pass $host $stanza >> /tmp/log.txt +./ $user $pass $host $stanza > /etc/asterisk/ +mv /etc/asterisk/sip.conf /etc/asterisk/sip.conf.bak +mv /etc/asterisk/ /etc/asterisk/sip.conf + +# get asterisk to load changes + +asterisk -rx "sip reload" 2>/dev/null 1 > /dev/null + +cat < + + + +Please wait a few seconds..... + + + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tick.png b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tick.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c155dff4 Binary files /dev/null and b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tick.png differ diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.css b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f426356c --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.css @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +.tip {font:12px/14px +Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; border:solid 1px +#666666; width:270px; padding:1px; +position:absolute; z-index:100; +visibility:hidden; color:#333333; top:20px; +left:90px; background-color:#ffffcc; +layer-background-color:#ffffcc;} diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.js b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26142e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltip.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// Extended Tooltip Javascript +// copyright 9th August 2002, 3rd July 2005, 24th August 2008 +// by Stephen Chapman, Felgall Pty Ltd + +// permission is granted to use this javascript provided that the below code is not altered +function pw() {return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth}; function mouseX(evt) {return evt.clientX ? evt.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft) : evt.pageX;} function mouseY(evt) {return evt.clientY ? evt.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) : evt.pageY} function popUp(evt,oi) {if (document.getElementById) {var wp = pw(); dm = document.getElementById(oi); ds =; st = ds.visibility; if (dm.offsetWidth) ew = dm.offsetWidth; else if (dm.clip.width) ew = dm.clip.width; if (st == "visible" || st == "show") { ds.visibility = "hidden"; } else {tv = mouseY(evt) + 20; lv = mouseX(evt) - (ew/4); if (lv < 2) lv = 2; else if (lv + ew > wp) lv -= ew/2; lv += 'px';tv += 'px'; ds.left = lv; = tv; ds.visibility = "visible";}}} + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltips.html b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltips.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91137b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/tooltips.html @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +
+ A tick means your phone system can reach the Internet. You need the Internet for VOIP calls + and software upgrades. + If you have a problem reaching the Internet check your Network settings, in + particular Gateway and DNS.
+ +
+ Emergency backdoor IP. Useful if you get locked out of the main network connection, for + example due to DHCP problems on your network or a configuration mistake. + Write this number down somewhere!
+ +
+ If ticked this phone will ring when some one + calls the phone system from an outside Analog + or VOIP Line. More than one phone can be + ticked. You can answer a call on another + ringing phone by dialling *8 on your phone - + see FAQ for details.
+ +
+ Analog Phone: Normal telephone plugged into a port on your phone system. +
+ IP Phone plugged into your network. +
+ Analog Phone Line: Analog telephone line plugged into a port on your phone system. +
+ VOIP Phone Line: Make and receive phone calls over the Internet. +
+ +
+ Important information about your Phone System.
+ +
+ The address of your Phone System + on your network. Use this address to connect + IP Phones to your Phone System.
+ +
+ List of phones connected to your Phone + System. You can connect Analog or IP Phones + to your system. When IP Phones are + configured correctly, they appear on this + list. If an IP phone is not configured + correctly, it will not appear on this list. + Analog phones require hardware to be + installed in your Phone system.
+ +
+ List of phone lines available. Phone lines + are used to make and receive outside calls. + You can use regular Analog phone lines or + VOIP. VOIP phone lines require an account + with an Internet Telephone Service Provider. + Analog phone lines require hardware to be + installed in your Phone System.
+ +
+ Dial this number to call this phone
+ +
+ Port (socket) on the rear of your Phone System. Plug the phone into this Port.
+ +
+ Port (socket) on the rear of your Phone + System. Plug the phone line into this + Port.
+ +
+ Dial 0 for an Analog outside line. For example to call 5551234 dial 05551234
+ +
+ IP Address of this phone on your network
+ +
+ IP Address of the VOIP Internet Telephone Service Provider
+ +
+ Dial 1 for a VOIP outside line. For example to call 5551234 dial 15551234
+ +
+ Instructions and help on adding a new IP phone
+ +
+ Instructions and help on VOIP Line set up
+ +
+ List of possible IP phones. For a new phone + choose any Available number. Refresh this + page to update
+ +
+ The IP phone is connected to your phone system and ready to use
+ +
+ No IP phone is connected. Either no IP phone + is present, or the IP phone has not been set + up.
+ +
+ A VOIP line allows you to make and receive + phones calls over the Internet. Normally a + VOIP line is provided by an Internet Telephony + Service Provider (ITSP). They will give you + an account, which includes the user and + password details that you can fill in below. + Refresh this page on your browser to see if + your VOIP line is working.
+ +
+ Your Internet Telephony Service Provider. + They will give you an account with a user name + and password.
+ +
+ Your account name with your Internet Telephony Service Provider
+ +
+ The password for your Internet Telephony Service Provider account
+ +
+ The Internet address of your Internet + Telephony Service Provider. This will usually + be filled in automatically.
+ +
+ A tick means you are connected to your + Internet Telephony Service Provider. Refresh + your browser to update.
+ +
+ Press this button to restart your phone + system. This is the same as turning the power + off and back on.
+ +
+ Press this button to the latest version of + Mini Asterisk. An Mini Asterisk upgrade + requires an Internet connection.
+ +
+ Enter the URL of a firmware update script. + This option can be used to install new + firmware on your Phone System. Installing new + firmware requires an Internet + connection.
+ diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/voiplines.js b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/voiplines.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..083838af --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/voiplines.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +function changeProvider() { + provider = $('provider').value; + $('user').value = users[provider]; + $('pass').value = passwords[provider]; + $('host').value = hosts[provider]; + $('stanza').value = stanzas[provider]; +} diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8ccdca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# +# David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 +# +# Text processing for the voiplines screen + +# slurp up list of possible voip line providers -------------------------------- +# one of these will be currently selected + +open SIP, "/etc/asterisk/sip.conf"; +my $provider = ""; # current provider bring parsed in sip.conf +my @providers=(); # list of all providers +my %stanza = (); # stanza name keyed on provider +my %user = (); # user keyed on provider +my %pass = (); # password keyed on provider +my %host = (); # host name keyed on provider + +while () { + + # start of any stanza switches off parsing. It may get switched + # back on below if it contains mini-asterisk keyword. This allows + # non-mini asterisk SIP devices to be included in sip.conf + + if (/\[/) { + $provider = ""; + } + + # currently disabled mini-asterisk provider + + if (/^;\[(.*)\].* \"(.*)\" mini-asterisk/) { + push (@providers, $2); + $provider = $2; + $stanza{$2} = $1; + #print "'$1' '$2'\n"; + } + + # current mini-asterisk provider + + if (/^\[(.*)\].* \"(.*)\" mini-asterisk/) { + push (@providers, $2); + $provider = $2; + $provider_current = $2; + $stanza{$2} = $1; + #print "'$1' '$2'\n"; + } + + if ($provider ne "") { + #print $_; + + if (/^;*user=(.*)/) { + $user{$provider} = $1; + } + if (/^;*username=(.*)/) { + $user{$provider} = $1; + } + if (/^;*secret=(.*)/) { + $pass{$provider} = $1; + } + if (/^;*host=(.*)/) { + $host{$provider} = $1; + } + } + + $state = $next_state; +} +close SIP; + +# Determine if Asterisk can see current voip line (SIP trunk) +# sipshowpeers.txt needs to be generated before calling this perl +# script + +my %voip = (); # SIP trunks status keyed on sip.conf stanza name/username + # if no entry we can't see SIP trunk + +open SIP, "sipshowregistry.txt"; +while () { + if (/^(.*):.*(Registered)/) { + $voip{$1} = $2; + #print "'$1' '$2' $voip{$1}\n"; + } +} + +close SIP; + +# javascript to handle changing providers + +print "\n"; + +# generate form fields ------------------------------------------- + +$tt_provider = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_provider')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_provider')\""; +$tt_user = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_user')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_user')\""; +$tt_pass = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_pass')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_pass')\""; +$tt_host = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_host')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_host')\""; +$tt_status = "onMouseOver=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_status')\" onmouseout=\"popUp(event,'voiplines_status')\""; + +print "Provider\n"; +print "\n"; + +print "User:\n"; +print "Password:\n"; +print "Host:\n"; + +#print "\nXXX $provider_current $stanza{$provider_current} $voip{$stanza{$provider_current}}\n"; + +if ($voip{$stanza{$provider_current}} eq "Registered") { + $icon = "\"OK\""; +} +else { + $icon = "\"Not"; +} +print "Voip Line Status:$icon\n"; + +# hidden field to pass stanza with form + +print ""; diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9067ad49 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/cgi-bin/ @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# David Rowe 12 Jan 2010 +# VOIP Line screen for Mini Asterisk GUI + +# check we are logged in + +echo $HTTP_COOKIE | grep "loggedin" > /dev/null +if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then + echo "" + echo "" + echo '' + echo "" + echo "" + exit +fi + +# See if we have can reach the VOIP Line provider + +asterisk "-rx sip show registry" 2>/dev/null > sipshowregistry.txt + +# Construct the web page ------------------------------- + +cat < + + + + +Mini Asterisk - VOIP Line +EOF + +cat tooltips.html +echo '' +cat banner.html +echo " " +cat menu.html +cat < + +
+ + + + + +EOF + +./ + +cat < + + + + +


+ + + + + + + + + +EOF + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf b/mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12868e74 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +; extensions.conf +; David Rowe 4 Jan 2010 +; + +; Designed for Mini Asterisk GUI. However you can hand modify as much +; as you like, as GUI scripts read/and write regular extensions.conf +; without messing with your custom dialplan + + +[general] +static = yes +writeprotect = no +autofallthrough = yes +clearglobalvars = no +priorityjumping = no + +[default] + +; Pre-configured analog extensions, depends on IP0X model and what modules +; are installed. Some of these may map to FXO ports + +exten => 6001,1,Dial(Zap/1) +exten => 6002,1,Dial(Zap/2) +exten => 6003,1,Dial(Zap/3) +exten => 6004,1,Dial(Zap/4) +exten => 6005,1,Dial(Zap/5) +exten => 6006,1,Dial(Zap/6) +exten => 6007,1,Dial(Zap/7) +exten => 6008,1,Dial(Zap/8) + +; Pre-configured SIP-phone extensions. Primary use case is multiple SIP +; extensions and FXO analog Ports + +exten => 6011,1,Dial(SIP/6011) +exten => 6012,1,Dial(SIP/6012) +exten => 6013,1,Dial(SIP/6013) +exten => 6014,1,Dial(SIP/6014) +exten => 6015,1,Dial(SIP/6015) +exten => 6016,1,Dial(SIP/6016) +exten => 6017,1,Dial(SIP/6017) +exten => 6018,1,Dial(SIP/6018) +exten => 6019,1,Dial(SIP/6019) +exten => 6020,1,Dial(SIP/6020) +exten => 6021,1,Dial(SIP/6021) +exten => 6022,1,Dial(SIP/6022) +exten => 6023,1,Dial(SIP/6023) +exten => 6024,1,Dial(SIP/6024) +exten => 6025,1,Dial(SIP/6025) +exten => 6026,1,Dial(SIP/6026) +exten => 6027,1,Dial(SIP/6027) +exten => 6028,1,Dial(SIP/6028) +exten => 6029,1,Dial(SIP/6029) +exten => 6030,1,Dial(SIP/6030) + +;; Pre-configured mini-asterisk outgoing Analog group + +exten => _0.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}) + +;; Pre-configured mini-asterisk outgoing VOIP line + +exten => _1.,1,Dial(SIP/voip/${EXTEN:1}) + +;; Pre-configured incoming calls + +exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/6011) ;; mini-asterisk - don't remove this comment diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/sip.conf b/mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/sip.conf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee3e1046 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/etc/asterisk/sip.conf @@ -0,0 +1,559 @@ +; +; SIP Configuration example for Asterisk +; +; Syntax for specifying a SIP device in extensions.conf is +; SIP/devicename where devicename is defined in a section below. +; +; You may also use +; SIP/username@domain to call any SIP user on the Internet +; (Don't forget to enable DNS SRV records if you want to use this) +; +; If you define a SIP proxy as a peer below, you may call +; SIP/proxyhostname/user or SIP/user@proxyhostname +; where the proxyhostname is defined in a section below +; +; Useful CLI commands to check peers/users: +; sip show peers Show all SIP peers (including friends) +; sip show users Show all SIP users (including friends) +; sip show registry Show status of hosts we register with +; +; sip debug Show all SIP messages +; +; reload Reload configuration file +; Active SIP peers will not be reconfigured +; + +[general] +context=default ; Default context for incoming calls +;allowguest=no ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes, this can also be set to 'osp' + ; if asterisk was compiled with OSP support. +;realm=mydomain.tld ; Realm for digest authentication + ; defaults to "asterisk" + ; Realms MUST be globally unique according to RFC 3261 + ; Set this to your host name or domain name +bindport=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060) +bindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all) +srvlookup=yes ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls + ; Note: Asterisk only uses the first host + ; in SRV records + ; Disabling DNS SRV lookups disables the + ; ability to place SIP calls based on domain + ; names to some other SIP users on the Internet + +;domain=mydomain.tld ; Set default domain for this host + ; If configured, Asterisk will only allow + ; INVITE and REFER to non-local domains + ; Use "sip show domains" to list local domains +;domain=mydomain.tld,mydomain-incoming + ; Add domain and configure incoming context + ; for external calls to this domain +;domain= ; Add IP address as local domain + ; You can have several "domain" settings +;allowexternalinvites=no ; Disable INVITE and REFER to non-local domains + ; Default is yes +;autodomain=yes ; Turn this on to have Asterisk add local host + ; name and local IP to domain list. +;pedantic=yes ; Enable slow, pedantic checking for Pingtel + ; and multiline formatted headers for strict + ; SIP compatibility (defaults to "no") +;tos=184 ; Set IP QoS to either a keyword or numeric val +;tos=lowdelay ; lowdelay,throughput,reliability,mincost,none +;maxexpiry=3600 ; Max length of incoming registration we allow +;defaultexpiry=120 ; Default length of incoming/outoing registration +;notifymimetype=text/plain ; Allow overriding of mime type in MWI NOTIFY +;checkmwi=10 ; Default time between mailbox checks for peers +;vmexten=voicemail ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox sets the + ; Message-Account in the MWI notify message + ; defaults to "asterisk" +;videosupport=yes ; Turn on support for SIP video +;recordhistory=yes ; Record SIP history by default + ; (see sip history / sip no history) + +;disallow=all ; First disallow all codecs +;allow=ulaw ; Allow codecs in order of preference +;allow=ilbc ; +;musicclass=default ; Sets the default music on hold class for all SIP calls + ; This may also be set for individual users/peers +;language=en ; Default language setting for all users/peers + ; This may also be set for individual users/peers +;relaxdtmf=yes ; Relax dtmf handling +;rtptimeout=60 ; Terminate call if 60 seconds of no RTP activity + ; when we're not on hold +;rtpholdtimeout=300 ; Terminate call if 300 seconds of no RTP activity + ; when we're on hold (must be > rtptimeout) +;trustrpid = no ; If Remote-Party-ID should be trusted +;sendrpid = yes ; If Remote-Party-ID should be sent +;progressinband=never ; If we should generate in-band ringing always + ; use 'never' to never use in-band signalling, even in cases + ; where some buggy devices might not render it +;useragent=Asterisk PBX ; Allows you to change the user agent string +;promiscredir = no ; If yes, allows 302 or REDIR to non-local SIP address + ; Note that promiscredir when redirects are made to the + ; local system will cause loops since SIP is incapable + ; of performing a "hairpin" call. +;usereqphone = no ; If yes, ";user=phone" is added to uri that contains + ; a valid phone number +;dtmfmode = rfc2833 ; Set default dtmfmode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833 + ; Other options: + ; info : SIP INFO messages + ; inband : Inband audio (requires 64 kbit codec -alaw, ulaw) + ; auto : Use rfc2833 if offered, inband otherwise + +;compactheaders = yes ; send compact sip headers. +;sipdebug = yes ; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from + ; the moment the channel loads this configuration +;subscribecontext = default ; Set a specific context for SUBSCRIBE requests + ; Useful to limit subscriptions to local extensions + ; Settable per peer/user also +;notifyringing = yes ; Notify subscriptions on RINGING state + +; +; If regcontext is specified, Asterisk will dynamically create and destroy a +; NoOp priority 1 extension for a given peer who registers or unregisters with +; us. The actual extension is the 'regexten' parameter of the registering +; peer or its name if 'regexten' is not provided. More than one regexten may +; be supplied if they are separated by '&'. Patterns may be used in regexten. +; +;regcontext=sipregistrations +; +; Asterisk can register as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider) +; Format for the register statement is: +; register => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension] +; +; If no extension is given, the 's' extension is used. The extension needs to +; be defined in extensions.conf to be able to accept calls from this SIP proxy +; (provider). +; +; host is either a host name defined in DNS or the name of a section defined +; below. +; +; Examples: +; +;register => +; +; This will pass incoming calls to the 's' extension +; +; +;register => 2345:password@sip_proxy/1234 +; +; Register 2345 at sip provider 'sip_proxy'. Calls from this provider +; connect to local extension 1234 in extensions.conf, default context, +; unless you configure a [sip_proxy] section below, and configure a +; context. +; Tip 1: Avoid assigning hostname to a sip.conf section like [] +; Tip 2: Use separate type=peer and type=user sections for SIP providers +; (instead of type=friend) if you have calls in both directions + +;registertimeout=20 ; retry registration calls every 20 seconds (default) +;registerattempts=10 ; Number of registration attempts before we give up + ; 0 = continue forever, hammering the other server until it + ; accepts the registration + ; Default is 0 tries, continue forever +;callevents=no ; generate manager events when sip ua performs events (e.g. hold) + +; register mini-asterisk voip line providers here + +register => user@generic ; mini-asterisk - do not change this comment +;register => user@oeg ; mini-asterisk - do not change this comment + +;----------------------------------------- NAT SUPPORT ------------------------ +; The externip, externhost and localnet settings are used if you use Asterisk +; behind a NAT device to communicate with services on the outside. + +;externip = ; Address that we're going to put in outbound SIP messages + ; if we're behind a NAT + + ; The externip and localnet is used + ; when registering and communicating with other proxies + ; that we're registered with +; ; Alternatively you can specify an + ; external host, and Asterisk will + ; perform DNS queries periodically. Not + ; recommended for production + ; environments! Use externip instead +;externrefresh=10 ; How often to refresh externhost if + ; used + ; You may add multiple local networks. A reasonable set of defaults + ; are: +;localnet=; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks +;localnet= ; Also RFC1918 +;localnet= ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation +;localnet= ;Zero conf local network + +; The nat= setting is used when Asterisk is on a public IP, communicating with +; devices hidden behind a NAT device (broadband router). If you have one-way +; audio problems, you usually have problems with your NAT configuration or your +; firewall's support of SIP+RTP ports. You configure Asterisk choice of RTP +; ports for incoming audio in rtp.conf +; +;nat=no ; Global NAT settings (Affects all peers and users) + ; yes = Always ignore info and assume NAT + ; no = Use NAT mode only according to RFC3581 + ; never = Never attempt NAT mode or RFC3581 support + ; route = Assume NAT, don't send rport + ; (work around more UNIDEN bugs) + +;rtcachefriends=yes ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list + ; just like friends added from the config file only on a + ; as-needed basis? (yes|no) + +;rtupdate=yes ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no) + ; If set to yes, when a SIP UA registers successfully, the ip address, + ; the origination port, the registration period, and the username of + ; the UA will be set to database via realtime. If not present, defaults to 'yes'. + +;rtautoclear=yes ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule + ; as if it had just registered? (yes|no|) + ; If set to yes, when the registration expires, the friend will vanish from + ; the configuration until requested again. If set to an integer, + ; friends expire within this number of seconds instead of the + ; registration interval. + +;ignoreregexpire=yes ; Enabling this setting has two functions: + ; + ; For non-realtime peers, when their registration expires, the information + ; will _not_ be removed from memory or the Asterisk database; if you attempt + ; to place a call to the peer, the existing information will be used in spite + ; of it having expired + ; + ; For realtime peers, when the peer is retrieved from realtime storage, + ; the registration information will be used regardless of whether + ; it has expired or not; if it expires while the realtime peer is still in + ; memory (due to caching or other reasons), the information will not be + ; removed from realtime storage + +; Incoming INVITE and REFER messages can be matched against a list of 'allowed' +; domains, each of which can direct the call to a specific context if desired. +; By default, all domains are accepted and sent to the default context or the +; context associated with the user/peer placing the call. +; Domains can be specified using: +; domain=[,] +; Examples: +; domain=myasterisk.dom +;,customer-context +; +; In addition, all the 'default' domains associated with a server should be +; added if incoming request filtering is desired. +; autodomain=yes +; +; To disallow requests for domains not serviced by this server: +; allowexternaldomains=no + +; fromdomain=mydomain.tld ; When making outbound SIP INVITEs to + ; non-peers, use your primary domain "identity" + ; for From: headers instead of just your IP + ; address. This is to be polite and + ; it may be a mandatory requirement for some + ; destinations which do not have a prior + ; account relationship with your server. + +[authentication] +; Global credentials for outbound calls, i.e. when a proxy challenges your +; Asterisk server for authentication. These credentials override +; any credentials in peer/register definition if realm is matched. +; +; This way, Asterisk can authenticate for outbound calls to other +; realms. We match realm on the proxy challenge and pick an set of +; credentials from this list +; Syntax: +; auth = :@ +; auth = #@ +; Example: +; +; +; You may also add auth= statements to [peer] definitions +; Peer auth= override all other authentication settings if we match on realm + +;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +; Users and peers have different settings available. Friends have all settings, +; since a friend is both a peer and a user +; +; User config options: Peer configuration: +; -------------------- ------------------- +; context context +; permit permit +; deny deny +; secret secret +; md5secret md5secret +; dtmfmode dtmfmode +; canreinvite canreinvite +; nat nat +; callgroup callgroup +; pickupgroup pickupgroup +; language language +; allow allow +; disallow disallow +; insecure insecure +; trustrpid trustrpid +; progressinband progressinband +; promiscredir promiscredir +; useclientcode useclientcode +; accountcode accountcode +; setvar setvar +; callerid callerid +; amaflags amaflags +; call-limit call-limit +; restrictcid restrictcid +; subscribecontext subscribecontext +; videosupport videosupport +; mailbox +; username +; template +; fromdomain +; regexten +; fromuser +; host +; port +; qualify +; defaultip +; rtptimeout +; rtpholdtimeout +; sendrpid + +;[sip_proxy] +; For incoming calls only. Example: FWD (Free World Dialup) +; We match on IP address of the proxy for incoming calls +; since we can not match on username (caller id) +;type=peer +;context=from-fwd +; + +;[sip_proxy-out] +;type=peer ; we only want to call out, not be called +;secret=guessit +;username=yourusername ; Authentication user for outbound proxies +;fromuser=yourusername ; Many SIP providers require this! +;fromdomain=provider.sip.domain +; +;usereqphone=yes ; This provider requires ";user=phone" on URI +;call-limit=5 ; permit only 5 simultaneous outgoing calls to this peer + +;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +; Definitions of locally connected SIP phones +; +; type = user a device that authenticates to us by "from" field to place calls +; type = peer a device we place calls to or that calls us and we match by host +; type = friend two configurations (peer+user) in one +; +; For local phones, type=friend works most of the time +; +; If you have one-way audio, you propably have NAT problems. +; If Asterisk is on a public IP, and the phone is inside of a NAT device +; you will need to configure nat option for those phones. +; Also, turn on qualify=yes to keep the nat session open + +;[grandstream1] +;type=friend +;context=from-sip ; Where to start in the dialplan when this phone calls +;callerid=John Doe <1234> ; Full caller ID, to override the phones config +;host= ; we have a static but private IP address + ; No registration allowed +;nat=no ; there is not NAT between phone and Asterisk +;canreinvite=yes ; allow RTP voice traffic to bypass Asterisk +;dtmfmode=info ; either RFC2833 or INFO for the BudgeTone +;call-limit=1 ; permit only 1 outgoing call and 1 incoming call at a time + ; from the phone to asterisk + ; (1 for the explicit peer, 1 for the explicit user, + ; remember that a friend equals 1 peer and 1 user in + ; memory) +;mailbox=1234@default ; mailbox 1234 in voicemail context "default" +;disallow=all ; need to disallow=all before we can use allow= +;allow=ulaw ; Note: In user sections the order of codecs + ; listed with allow= does NOT matter! +;allow=alaw +;allow=g723.1 ; Asterisk only supports g723.1 pass-thru! +;allow=g729 ; Pass-thru only unless g729 license obtained +;astdb=chan2ext/SIP/grandstream1=1234 ; ensures an astDB entry exists + + +;[xlite1] +; Turn off silence suppression in X-Lite ("Transmit Silence"=YES)! +; Note that Xlite sends NAT keep-alive packets, so qualify=yes is not needed +;type=friend +;regexten=1234 ; When they register, create extension 1234 +;callerid="Jane Smith" <5678> +;host=dynamic ; This device needs to register +;nat=yes ; X-Lite is behind a NAT router +;canreinvite=no ; Typically set to NO if behind NAT +;disallow=all +;allow=gsm ; GSM consumes far less bandwidth than ulaw +;allow=ulaw +;allow=alaw +;mailbox=1234@default,1233@default ; Subscribe to status of multiple mailboxes + + +;[snom] +;type=friend ; Friends place calls and receive calls +;context=from-sip ; Context for incoming calls from this user +;secret=blah +;subscribecontext=localextensions ; Only allow SUBSCRIBE for local extensions +;language=de ; Use German prompts for this user +;host=dynamic ; This peer register with us +;dtmfmode=inband ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info +;defaultip= ; IP used until peer registers +;mailbox=1234@context,2345 ; Mailbox(-es) for message waiting indicator +;vmexten=voicemail ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox + ; sets the Message-Account in the MWI notify message + ; defaults to global vmexten which defaults to "asterisk" +;restrictcid=yes ; To have the callerid restriced -> sent as ANI +;disallow=all +;allow=ulaw ; dtmfmode=inband only works with ulaw or alaw! + + +;[polycom] +;type=friend ; Friends place calls and receive calls +;context=from-sip ; Context for incoming calls from this user +;secret=blahpoly +;host=dynamic ; This peer register with us +;dtmfmode=rfc2833 ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info +;username=polly ; Username to use in INVITE until peer registers + ; Normally you do NOT need to set this parameter +;disallow=all +;allow=ulaw ; dtmfmode=inband only works with ulaw or alaw! +;progressinband=no ; Polycom phones don't work properly with "never" + + +;[pingtel] +;type=friend +;secret=blah +;host=dynamic +;insecure=port ; Allow matching of peer by IP address without matching port number +;insecure=invite ; Do not require authentication of incoming INVITEs +;insecure=port,invite ; (both) +;qualify=1000 ; Consider it down if it's 1 second to reply + ; Helps with NAT session + ; qualify=yes uses default value +;callgroup=1,3-4 ; We are in caller groups 1,3,4 +;pickupgroup=1,3-5 ; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5 +;defaultip= ; IP address to use if peer has not registred + +;[cisco1] +;type=friend +;secret=blah +;qualify=200 ; Qualify peer is no more than 200ms away +;nat=yes ; This phone may be natted + ; Send SIP and RTP to the IP address that packet is + ; received from instead of trusting SIP headers +;host=dynamic ; This device registers with us +;canreinvite=no ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the + ; RTP media stream (audio) to go directly from + ; the caller to the callee. Some devices do not + ; support this (especially if one of them is + ; behind a NAT). +;defaultip= ; IP address to use until registration +;username=goran ; Username to use when calling this device before registration + ; Normally you do NOT need to set this parameter +;setvar=CUSTID=5678 ; Channel variable to be set for all calls from this device + +; Pre-configured SIP extensions + +[6011] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6011 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6011 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 +qualify=yes + +[6012] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6012 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6012 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 + +[6013] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6013 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6013 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 + +[6014] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6014 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6014 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 + +[6015] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6015 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6015 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 + +[6016] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6016 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6016 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 + +[6017] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6017 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6017 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 + +[6018] +type=friend +context=default +host=dynamic +secret=6018 +canreinvite=no +callerid=6018 +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 + +; Pre-configured mini-asterisk SIP trunks + +[generic] ; "Generic" mini-asterisk do not remove this comment +type=friend +context=default +username=user +secret=password +host= +canreinvite=no +disallow=all +allow=ulaw,g729 +qualify=yes + +;[oeg] ; "OEG" mini-asterisk do not remove this comment +; +;secret=pass +;username=your user number +; +;fromuser=your user number +;insecure=port,invite +;type=friend +;disallow=all +;allow=g729,ulaw +;dtmfmod=rfc2833 +;qualify=yes +;canreinvite=no +;nat=yes +;context=default + diff --git a/mini-asterisk-gui/ b/mini-asterisk-gui/ new file mode 100755 index 00000000..cd8e5055 --- /dev/null +++ b/mini-asterisk-gui/ @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# +# +# Sets correct Revision number in the about screen. Good idea to +# run this before installing + +ver=`svn info | grep Revision` +sed -i "s/Revision: [0-9]*/$ver/" cgi-bin/